Achieve 3000

My school has just bought a membership to Achieve 3000. Each student is expected to complete 2 activities on it a week. Each activity takes around 45 minutes. I assign one activity for homework, and use class time to complete the second activity. Has anyone used this program before? Was it beneficial to your students?

Solution #1
I have not had experience with Achieve 3000 but can imagine it's impactfulness, er- lack thereof. Similar programs seem to be time wasting despite districts pushing them. I would suggest a stronger emphasis on instruction and less of one on the program. Although, if you are forced to use it, I would suggest that you try to integrate what they are doing in the activities to what you are teaching so that they are not too frustrated with the program.

I think you are right

Solution #2
I have never heard of this application but from the sound of it it appears that it can be very helpful. That is definitely something that I would look into.