Accelerated Math 2.0

Our district just purchased AM2.0 to use with our tier 2 classroom RTI students and our EIP students. Has anyone used this program? What is the most effective way to assign tests after students complete practice sessions? It appears that teachers can only assign one test at a time, and I am finding the management of the program to be a challenge. Students need tests assigned while I am teaching a small group, and it is a disruption.

Solution #1
While I have not used AM2.0, I think I might have a solution for you. I would suggest that you assign the tests at the beginning of the day so that students can go through the practice session and, at their leisure, complete the test. (That is assuming that once assigned, it allows them to do anything else) The other option is to move around your timing for small group, if a student comes at a regular time to request an assigned test. OR you might wish to keep your computer (if a laptop) near during the small group, with the window open to the assignment page so that it will be less of a hassle.

This response is very useful.