Overseas teaching

Can anyone offer insight on the process of interviewing to teaching overseas, where a face to face interview is not possible? What customs make these interviews different. How do you showcase your portfolio, by email or fax? Any insight would be helpful!

Solution #1
Top Solution
Hello HesuHy, I would say that the first step would be to contact the school by phone and ask how they would like to communicate with you. I would definitely gather the information from your portfolio to fax or email if needed. I know that my undergrad and master's programs utilize an online portfolio that can be shared with potential employers. Utilizing an online platform to share your portfolio would be convenient when dealing with school's overseas. I would also suggest to invite the administration to a Skype conversation with yourself. This way you can communicate face to face with them.

I agree. This is the best solution in my eyes.

Solution #2
I have known people that have taught overseas and it is with preference of the school, how they would like to do the interview with you. They would have their portfolio online and send it in that way. They would set it up on a website and send them the link to the website. Getting all the details down will be one of the first steps into making sure you have a successful interview.
Solution #3
When interview for a teaching position overseas a video interview would be best for all parties economically. In preparation I would ensure that a fluency in the spoken and written language is present. An emailed portfolio or website might be best to show off your skills.
Solution #4
Email and skype!