Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or is it?

Mr. West has a student with ADHD and follows the 504 plan that has been given to him for the students behavior. The interventions in the 504 plan is not working. Mr. West believes that the student maybe EBD. Mr. West has called the parents of the student to get more information about the student. The parents has not responded to any of the lines of communication. what should Mr West do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think Mr. West is doing exactly what he should. He should document everything he is doing in the classroom to help the student, even if it isn't apart of the 504 plan, and he should continue to try to contact the parents or see if an administrator can. The important thing to remember is that you are there for the student and should be committed to do whatever it takes to make sure the student has what they need in the classroom.

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Solution #2
Mr. West should focus on collecting data that reflects the students' behavior in class. He should approach the RTI chair in the school and set up a meeting that involves the SST team. Mr. West could also get some behavior data collection charts from the RTI chair. There are a number of ABC, frequency and duration data collection charts available. The parent is only one member of the Student Support Team and the information they offer may not be reflective of the students' behavior in school.

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Solution #3
Mr. West should without a doubt continue to document behavior of this student with fidelity. Additionally, Mr. West should also speak to his Instructional Support teacher for assistance in setting up a meeting to discuss the failed interventions with the SST. Many times parents are tired of hearing the same thing over and over again because they themselves don't know what to do. Parents may ignore a teachers call, but there is power with administrative support. Mr. West should seek assistance immediately.
Solution #4
It can be hard for parents to hear that there is something "wrong" with their child and they might have heard this multiple times. You are doing what you can by recording the child's behavior and you should apply the RTI model if you see appropriate.
Solution #5
Parents are not always open to seeing negative behaviors in their kids. I think that Mr. West should gather more concrete evidences instead of "going over behaviors". Mr. West should compile anecdotal notes, work samples, and narratives about the student before meeting with the parents. Students who have EBD follow plans in the Tier program just like students with academic needs. If a student is not successful with Tier 1 instruction, and not with Tier 2, then another IEP should be held with the parents.
Solution #6
I am not sure there is enough information to determine if this student is EBD, and ADHD takes on many forms. If the interventions in the 504 plan are not working, it may be time to try different strategies. As far as communicating with the parents, how does the student get to school? If he is dropped off or picked up, be there at drop off/pick up to speak to the parent at that time. If that is not an option, it may be time for a home visit.
Solution #7
Mr. West is doing what he should. He should continue to reach out to the parents and get the administration involved. It's also very important to document everything that relates to the situation, while continuing to follow the current 504 plan.
Solution #8
Collect data based off this student. Keep trying to connect the parents, if you even have to get the social worker involved to figure out the family situation.
Solution #9
You should ask the ESE team to extend a invitation for the parents.

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