Group Work

Is it fair for everyone to receive the same grade? Or do you divide it?

I just did a group assignment and had to give everyone the same grade. They HAD to work together (they did a trial). But some people did nothing and some people did a lot. I never know what to do!

Solution #1
Hello runyju, I believe that grades are earned. It is important to establish expectations before starting independent group work. Each student should know that it is expected of them to participate and contribute to the task that is given to the group. It is only fair for the students who do contribute and work to earn a grade, and those who fail to do so do not. Overall, establish some procedures for group work, and the students will not be surprised by either earning or failing to earn a grade.
Solution #2
I have an accountability sheet for every group assignment. Each member fills out the form explaining their role and contribution in the project. The student will also rate their team members participation based on a rubric.

Great idea, I like this one a lot! This way, every student can do an honest write up of who contributed and who didn't.

Solution #3
Whenever I have my students work together I always allow them to grade each other. For example, if the students do a presentation they get an overall grade. However, the students will grade their group-mates. The number of points a student gets is added to the presentation grade. If the group received an 85 but student A did all the work and was graded with a total of 5 points then the grade they get in the computer is an 90. If student B did very little work and was graded with a total of 2 points then the grade for them in the computer is an 87. This allowed students to realize team work is important.
Solution #4
I don't believe it is fair for a group to be graded as a group. It goes beyond simply being graded on how you 'work' together because one student can put in the effort and nothing they say or do can ensure that their group puts in that same effort. I think grades have to earned individually for what those students do in their group. I never particularly liked group work in school for this very reason. I also think participation should count for a grade as well.
Solution #5
If this group project was a presentation style, I would make the students split it up and grade based off that. I would make sure each student identified what part they worked on so I could grade that accordingly. Then maybe do a second grade of overall group work.
Solution #6
I don't think it is fair for everyone to receive the same grade. Grades are earned, not given. Each person in the group should be given a task that they need to complete in order to get a grade. Individual grades are the best way to go because some members take advantage of the hard working members.
Solution #7
I believe group work is a group effort and that everyone should receive the same grade, however, if everyone in the group does not want to participate then that or those individuals need to be removed and they can complete the work on their own. It's not fair not give everyone the same grade if everyone is NOT participating.
Solution #8
I think that when doing group work the students should all have parts to perform. I think that all students should not receive the same grade for not doing any work. I would evaluate my students individually by the work that they produced. I would also ask the students to evaluate each other.
Solution #9
I would say that you do not absolutely have to give everyone in a group the same grade. I would reduce the students letter grade who did nothing on the project and give them an explanation as to why I graded that way. The students who did the work deserve a good grade.
Solution #10
Grades are earned. If a student isn't following the rules that you set and are not participating, their grades should reflect it. They will learn for next time to do what they are expected to do.
Solution #11
While it is a grade based on the groups work and talent, there can also be other ways to break down the grade. There can be factors like actually contribution or even have classmate give opinions on group mates. While the group grade could be the same, the work or contribution grade could be worse
Solution #12
Give each group member an assignment, one could be the recorder, one the researcher etc. If they each had equal parts to contribute to the group then you can grade by telling which part of the group work was completed by which student and grade accordingly.
Solution #13
Create a rubric prior to the assignment so students know what to expect. It is also helpful to to assign different positions to students to that they are doing a fair share of the work. In addition, it is beneficial to do a survey at the end of the project. The survey should be anonymous and allow the student to comment of their peers' contributions to the project.
Solution #14
I think when you do group work everyone should get the same grade if they all participate. Some may do more than others but if they all participate I believe they should get the same grade. However if a student doesn't participate at all then it should effect their grades.
Solution #15
My school does not allow us to grade group projects. We grade individual student performance.
Solution #16
As the teacher, you have to be observant of the students who are working and those that are slacking off. Make notes of those working and not. You can have the students rate each other, however if a group of friends are together they will say everyone was on task and working. I would constantly monitor the students. But no, not everyone should receive the same grade in the group, unless they all earned the same grade.
Solution #17
Have the students give the other students a grade for each individual's contribution to the group work. This way it will make them in charge and responsible of their one group's grade.
Solution #18
i think it's not fair for everyone to receive the same grade. you should divide it because group work is the easiest to make one person do all the work and have others slack off. you should do a teacher grade and have the students rate their peers on the work they did or didn't do.