Case Solved
Rude Parents

Mrs. Smith has a student in her class whose mother is very religious. She is very open in discussing her thoughts and beliefs at a conference, in a letter, or during a phone call. Her child misbehaved and was given a punishment for 10 minutes off of recess. The mother contacted the teacher the next day and instead of speaking about the punishment she began her religious banter which included telling the teacher that she was 'keeping her eye on her' and that she needed to 'get right in her religious life.' At one point the parent even sent a link to a YouTube video that talked about how Monster energy drinks are the 'devils juice' because the teacher drinks that brand. What should Mrs. Smith do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Mrs. Smith should just let the principal know about the situation that occurred just so it is on record. Other then that she should just ignore it because no threats were made.

I agree with notifying the Principal. If the parent is behaving in this manner, I would definitely want my Principal involved so that if it escalates it wouldn't be the first time the Principal heard about the situation.

I agree with this solution.

Solution #2
Honestly unless this kind this comes off as offenseive to Mrs. SMith she could just ingnore it for the time being. Mrs. Smith had every right to punihs the child if the acted during her class. If it did offend her or coninutes to happen what she could do is report this parent behavior to the administartion or even think about requesting the child be moved out of her class. The idea of a parent watching her childs teacher isnt totally wrong as if they think they are doing soemthing wrong they should report it but with the way it is put forth here is offputting. The religoius life comment is uncalled for and has no place in a public school becuase Mrs Smith should not be influenced by relgion in a public school setting and the devil juice comment can be ingnored almost completely as it has no basis for anythign in this conversation.

Dealing with difficult parents can be hard for even the most experienced teacher. Mrs. Smith should let her administration know what is going on between her and the parent. I would recommend forward all communication that Mrs. Smith has had with that parent to the administration. It may be time for a conference with that parent. Mrs. Smith needs to keep herself composed and professional at all times. She does not want to give the parent any more ammunition for make any conflicts worse. Mrs. Smith just needs to explain to the parent what the behavior was and the consequences for that behavior.

I couldn't have said it better my self.

I agree with this solution.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

I totally agree with this statement, very thoughtful.

If I were in this situation, I would do exactly this.

I agree with this solution.

I agree with this solution

Solution #3
Mrs. Smith should seek advice from her team mates in the same grade or hall way of her class. After, I would meet with the assistant principal of the school or the principal and put the issue with the parent in their hands. Having the help will make a plan to follow in order to cover the class, the teacher and the school if a situation occurs.
Solution #4
She should stop the parent from trying to force her ideas on her. She should politely tell the parent that she will discuss the incident that happened at school but not any other topics. Links that are sent should just be ignored.
Solution #5
I have to agree with some of the posting and say that informing the principle of the current and any future issues is a good idea. However, I think the best way to handle the situation after telling the priniples is just to ignore the parent

I agree with this solution

Solution #6
I have to agree with some of the posting and say that informing the principle of the current and any future issues is a good idea. However, I think the best way to handle the situation after telling the priniples is just to ignore the parent
Solution #7
Mrs. Smith is an adult and can let the parent's comments roll down her back. There will be people in our lives that we cannot stand, but also cannot get rid of. If it goes too far, and the comments cannot be ignored anymore, contact the administration and have them assist in dealing with the obnoxious parent. Eventually the student will move on and the teacher will not have to deal with the mother anymore, or the mother will take it too far, and cross a line that the administration will be willing to do something about it. But, mostly, Mrs. Smith needs to have a thick skin. This profession is one where teacher need to deal with parents that are obnoxious, offensive, and rude.

I agree with this solution.

Solution #8
Mrs. Smith should immediately notify the principal of the parents's behavior. It is her right to be religious, but she should not be overly aggressive about it.
Solution #9
Mrs. Smith should not engage with this parent in any of her banter, she should remain professional. If I were Mrs. Smith, I would first begin by showing my principal and/or other administration the email that the parent sent. This way if the situation does escalate, someone is aware of what has been happening beforehand. I would then respond to the email and explain the reasoning for the child's punishment, referring back to classroom and school rules. Mrs. Smith should not even acknowledge the other comments or the link that was sent in the email.
Solution #10
I would say first Mrs. Smith needs to go to the principle and make sure that he/she is aware of the situation. along with the help of the principle Mrs. Smith should be able to create a plan of action on how to address this mother.
Solution #11
Get the administration involved if the parents are going to be irrational

admin should definitely get involved.

Solution #12
Mrs. Smith should report the incident to her supervisor just in case it comes back later on. On the report, she should explain why the child was disciplined, the mother's actions towards the disciplinary rules, and what the teacher should do next.
Solution #13
Since there is no threat, the teacher may ignore it. Until it begins to effect the education of the student, then the teacher should contact the principle and hold a group meeting.
Solution #14
Mrs. Smith needs to contact the administration at her school as this parent is getting out of hand and over stepping boundaries.
Solution #15
Mrs. Smith should notify administration, and when she encounters any type of contact w/ the parent try and have another teacher there as a witness. Mrs. Smith should also ignore the comments and focus on the issue at hand concerning the students behavior and how can everyone get on the same page to do whats in the best interest of the student.
Solution #16
I think Mrs. Smith should take this situation to the guidance counselor or even the principle because harassment is not acceptable from anyone.

I would never do this! This is wrong! I am not sure the guidance counselor is the best person to discuss this with.

I would never do this. This is wrong.