Teacher Student Relationships

In a school I was at preivously, two differnet teachers had relationships with students that they had in class. Once it had gotten out that this was happening both times, the teachers both resigned before the school took action but I was asked many times about what had happen and why the teachers had left. I honestly did not know what to say to those asking and said I had no idea at the time. I would like some feed back on a situtations and what a teacher should say and do in these curcumstances

Solution #1
Top Solution
Hello MePyJy, I believe that this is a sensitive and private issue. I believe that it is best to refrain from commenting about this situation with anyone. If the people involved have been dealt with, than you no longer have any responsibility to report any actions related to the situation. Also if you were not directly involved, and even if you were, to protect the privacy of the involved parties the situation or outcome should not be discussed with others.

I agree. If the people have been dealt with, then it is no longer your responsibility to deal with.

I agree with the solution. This type of scenario is best to be avoided.

Solution #2
Observing the code of ethics, it is always essential to ensure that as educators we remain ethical. Considering the topic of teacher student relationships, as an adult first and an ethical educator second, teachers shouldn't even find themselves in such predicament. However, in this situation I wouldn't get in the middle of the negativity that such relationship has produced. If a child wasn't bodily harmed or emotionally harmed, I wouldn't intervene.
Solution #3
I would simply respond that you were not part of the incident and do not speak about things you are not directly involved in. I would also explain to the person asking, "I am certain that if someone approached me regarding what is going on with you, and I was not involved, that I would extend the same courtesy to you."
Solution #4
I could never understand how a teacher can do this. When you become a teacher you JUST KNOW there's a line that you NEVER cross. As far as you having to answer others on what happened, I would suggest that you simply say nothing. Teachers that do this are not only an embarrassing to the colleagues, its embarrassing to the entire school system!
Solution #5
I could never understand how a teacher can do this. When you become a teacher you JUST KNOW there's a line that you NEVER cross. As far as you having to answer others on what happened, I would suggest that you simply say nothing. Teachers that do this are not only an embarrassing to the colleagues, its embarrassing to the entire school system!