Ms. Jones has a student in her kindergarten grade class that repeatedly hits other students, does not follow directions until they have been given multiple times, and is consistently yells out during whole group instruction. The student has been given a "special seat" during instruction, has been used as a classroom helper, and been given a behavior chart to track progress. There is a field trip coming up in Ms. Jones class, and she feels this student has not earned the right to go based on her behavior in the classroom. Ms. Jones decides to talk to the parents of this student about her behavior and possible chance of missing the class field trip. Ms. Jones lets them know of the violent acts, lack of respect toward teachers, and conversations with other parents that have complained about the actions of their student. The parents response to Ms. Jones is the following: "I am worried that she will feel bad. She is just a little girl and will miss out on having fun with her friends."
How does Ms.Jones react to the parents of her troubled student?
Should the student be allowed to go on the field trip?
That would be a great way to motivate the student to change their behavior - good thinking!
I think this is a great solution! The student should not miss the field trip. Hopefully spending the day with the teacher will keep him or her from making poor decisions.