How old are you?

Despite laws that are in place to not discriminate against job applicants, it can be difficult for older teachers to be hired.

Ms. Sawyer is 55 years old. She used to teach Kindergarten and also taught English to all grades in a departmentalized elementary school 15 years ago. Most recently she teaches three year olds in a daycare. She wants to become a paraprofessional in a public school, but has not been called for an interview. What can Ms. Sawyer do to attract the attention of administrators in her school district?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Ms. Sawyer needs to follow up on the applications she is submitting. If she is simply filling out the form with no follow up that is detrimental to her hiring process. However, if she follows up it gives the hiring committee no choice but to pull her application and take a look at it. Ms. Sawyer can also use key words in her resume that show while she has tons of experience she is up to date with the technology and other curriculum needs being used in the classroom.

I agree. This is the best solution. I think following up on applications is a great idea.

Following up is a major key with job interviews. It shows you are persistent.

Key words on an application is very beneficial. Great point.

Solution #2
Top Solution
She could be a substitute teacher which would allow her to get into the schools and make her talents and skills known. This also provides a great way to get her foot into the door and make lasting impressions on administration and teachers.

This is a great idea. I know a few people who were a substitute at schools and they hired them full time because they saw what great teachers they were.

Solution #3
Mrs. Sawyer should focus the attention of her administrators on her previous work experience and show them how great her passion for teaching still is. This will show administrators that she would be a great choice for the position.
Solution #4
Substituting can be a way of showing others you are affective with students. Knowing the right people always helps. Make connections any way you can outside of the school day.
Solution #5
I would tell the teacher to keep pushing forward and continue to take classes at her local college to stay fresh. Employers like to see that you are willing to grow and learn. Sometimes older teachers can be stuck in their ways and seem like they know it all because they have seen it all. Although that may be almost true the education system is changing every year, we can all use extra education.
Solution #6
As some other people said before, I think that being a substitute for the school or picking up another position if possible would be a great way for her to be recognized.
Solution #7
She needs to keep following up to make sure she gets her name in there. She can bring a portfolio of the recommendation letters and achievements to show them that she really is passionate.
Solution #8
Ms. Sawyer should create a portfolio and resume of her past and current experience. She should be ready with answers to any given questions and give an exact reason for why she want to become a paraprofessional in public schools.
Solution #9
Ms. Sawyer can follow up with the schools she applied to. She can also begin substituting in order to stay updated with the new technologies and strategies teachers are learning. This will add current and more useful information on her application.
Solution #10
It's best if people know a name with a face go introduce yourself first!
Solution #11
She can make, or update her portfolio. She can also reach out to the school administrators and suggest to set up a time with them to meet and for her to go over her experience and tell them what she can offer as a teacher if they were to hire her.
Solution #12
She should try to take refresher courses or seminars. She has a lot of experience which is great so if she shows that she has not stopped learning and how highly qualified she is there would be no question regarding her hire.
Solution #13
She can bring a portfolio to depict her experiences. It may also help to call and check in on her application.
Solution #14
Ms. Sawyer should personally follow up to her applications. This allows the schools to know she is serious, while getting their attention regularly. Even with her age, showing an active interest is always well suited.
Solution #15
The first thing I think Ms. Sawyer can do is make sure that she is correctly submitting her application. Perhaps calling the school board or showing up in person to make sure that her application has be received and is in the right hands. It she checks all of this out and everything checks out the next move I would make is to get involved. Perhaps through substituting in the classroom or volunteering at the school or school events. Getting her name and face out there as much as possible is her best chance at getting hired.
Solution #16
Ms. Sawyer should go to the schools in which she is applying and try to make connections and relationships with the administration team. She may have a better chance of getting a call for an interview or she may be able to be put in contact with a school that she would be a good fit for. Sometimes you need to show your face to be recognized for possible positions.
Solution #17
It would be a good idea for her to volunteer at the school to get her name and face in the door. After the school staff begins to know who she is, then she could speak up about starting to work for the school. If she is persistent with it she is more likely to get the job.
Solution #18
I would say she should see a career specialist or have someone who is skilled in resumes to review hers. We can always have some help us enhance our word usage on resumes to seem more appealing!
Solution #19
I believe she should do the basics which is follow up and keep calling the places she applied to get a update on the application.
Solution #20
She can go into the school and ask to speak with someone in charge of hiring and make her presence known. She should be outgoing and make note that she is very interested in the job and will do what it takes to get the opportunity.
Solution #21
Ms. Sawyer should contact the places that she applied to and follow up. Additionally, she should look and see if there any specific schools or counties in her area that need a paraprofessional.
Solution #22
She should follow up, this will show interest and responsibility,
Solution #23
Maybe look into any additional classes that they can add to their resume.