Despite laws that are in place to not discriminate against job applicants, it can be difficult for older teachers to be hired.
Ms. Sawyer is 55 years old. She used to teach Kindergarten and also taught English to all grades in a departmentalized elementary school 15 years ago. Most recently she teaches three year olds in a daycare. She wants to become a paraprofessional in a public school, but has not been called for an interview. What can Ms. Sawyer do to attract the attention of administrators in her school district?
I agree. This is the best solution. I think following up on applications is a great idea.
Following up is a major key with job interviews. It shows you are persistent.
Key words on an application is very beneficial. Great point.
This is a great idea. I know a few people who were a substitute at schools and they hired them full time because they saw what great teachers they were.