Inappropriate Colleague Comments

Three years ago, when I first started teaching, I was the only African-American teacher in the entire school. I would speak in the morning, and in some intenses, had blank stares as I walked by. (Yes, racism in America is REAL!) I became cool with the grade level closest to my room. In one setting, one of the teachers repeated something he saw on the internet that referenced the "n word" in a song. I was cool with the reference the first time he said it, but the second and third times just took it too far. I did not say anything to administration, but would that have been the best solution?

Solution #1
Top Solution
ANY time you are uncomfortable in a situation, you should let the person know in a professional manner. Not making excuses, but maybe the colleague was trying to be 'cool' (even though it was in an inappropriate way). The best solution is to let the person know his comment made you uncomfortable. If the person continued with the comments, I would seek an administrator.

I would let them know it made me uncomfortable and avoid escalating it until given a fair chance to correct it.

You have to let someone know when you are uncomfortable. Great response!

Solution #2
I am sorry that you have had to deal with that. I would explain to this teacher that using inappropriate language is not only against policy, but also offensive to you. If it happens again, I would advise them that you already asked them not to use that type of language and let them know that the next time you will speak to someone in administration. Be prepared to follow through since this behavior needs to stop!
Solution #3
A simple "Okay, we get it," might have put him in his place. But, I know that must be exhausting having to correct people all of the time. Don't be afraid to speak up though- there are so many of us that would stand behind you.
Solution #4
I would definitely go to administration about this. This is very inappropriate not only for you as an African American teacher but also for the African American students, this might also show other students that it is okay to use the N word when it is NEVER okay.