How to Deal WIth Annoying Teachers

My grade level has just welcomed two new teachers aboard. One teacher has only been teaching for two years. She often has questions, and may ask you a question in the middle of instruction, but she is not the annoying one! The annoying one has been taught a little long, and has an answer for everything! She talks, and talks, and talks, and the grade level is getting fed up! She tries to one up everyone by having a better and more extravagant response. As my students would say, she's just "doing too much"! How should my grade level approach her, and not attack her?

Solution #1
The grade level teachers should get together and determine a person to go and speak with her about her "enthusiasm". Make sure that they are not going to berate her or make her feel uncomfortable. Explain to her that she is a little to enthused when it comes to answering questions and that it could be toned down a little.
Solution #2
Before directly "attacking" her for what she is doing, you could try making a general statement to the group about trying to keep suggestions short and to the point. You could say this will help keep the meetings shorter so you have more time to plan in your classroom.
Solution #3
I think that one teacher should approach her first. If it is the whole team, it may seem like an attack. They could come up with a secret sign so the teacher could be signaled when she is stepping out of bounds. I have done this in the past with students and it helped.