My school district has a tardy policy. The policy is warnings the first three tardies, a parent contact on the fourth tardy, and a referral on the fifth tardy (and a referral on any referral after five). The problem is there are hundreds of students tardy to classes each block. So the office does not punish the students (other than conferences) stating they cannot punish hundreds of students. What can teachers do to fix this tardy issue?
What an excellent turn around!
Great idea.
Great idea.
What an interesting idea that seemed to work well with your school!
Great idea.
Great idea.
I think this is a great idea, I would do this.
I think this is a great idea and I would do this in my classroom if tardiness becomes an issue.
I like this solution a lot, because it creates a no excuse policy and by really enforcing it, students will stop being late to class.
The tardy pass idea is your best bet here.
Great idea.
Great solution! I like this idea of rewarding the 'good' students.
Great idea.
I agree! The discipline outlined should stay consistent.
That doesn't explain much.
Great idea.
Great idea.
Silent lunch is a bit mean in my opinion.
This is a good idea.
Great idea.
Great idea.
That is a good idea. They do that in some college classes.
Great idea.