Taking Advantage

I have a child who has a 504 plan so he is allowed 50% extra time to complete assignments. He takes advantage of this allowance by not turning in homework all week, asking for extra copies and turning EVERY thing in on Mondays. I do not feel like this is fair to other students. How do I address this issue?

Solution #1
Top Solution
There has to be a restriction, even with a 504 plan. I would discuss the issue with any other teachers that this student has to see if this problem is across the board. I would then meet with the 504 coordinator to be sure that you were doing what needed to be done. If an assignment is due on Wednesday, I don't see how turning in the assignment on Monday is just 50% extra time. I would think that 50% extra time would be an extra day. I could see where the student may need extra time for testing and class assignments, but I would look closely to see if the 504 specifically stated that homework was part of the accommodation. Most 504 plans are created for testing purposes, not daily and homework assignments.

I thought the 504s were for testing, I didn't think it would apply for homework. I think that the student should be evaluated

504s need to be evaluated and implemented as needed and stated.

Student should be evaluated

Solution #2
First and foremost, a meeting to review the student's 504 should be held immediately. Turning everything in on Mondays is exceeding his 50% extra time to complete assignments. I have found teachers and counselors write in the accommodation of extra time, but do not stop to think how this should apply until situations like this. Some questions I would ask are: why does he need extra time (if this is due to organizational skills is there a better solution, turning in chunks?) I have found some students need extra time on written assignments to organize their thoughts, but not on short quizzes and tests. I would also set time frame of when an assignment is given, he understands when his assignments are due (Monday's assignments is to be turned in on Tuesdays). I would also deduct his grade if he submitted the assignment past his given timeline (which is not a violation of his 504).

I would do this exactly if I felt a student was abusing their 504 plan.

I agree. FInding and setting boundaries are a good idea, and allowing the student the chance to understand these new restrictions is the best course of action.

Solution #3
I have to agree that the 504 plan should be reviewed immediately. If the student is meeting the goals and objectives it should be adjusted. A student that is abusing their accommodation is just harming themselves and it needs to be brought to their attention, with consequences for not following direction. And find out why the students is taking advantage of the time, and not completing the work.
Solution #4
I think you need to review the 504 plan to see if its only for testing. because at home they have several of hours or days to complete their assignments.
Solution #5
I would talk to the parents to make sure the child is completing the homework throughout the week and trying to start them earlier rather than waiting till the last minuet. I would also try a reward system for the student, like if he turns in work a day early or two days early.
Solution #6
Make the incentives for turning in work earlier, working around deadlines is a skill that the student needs to learn in order to be successful with or with out extra time.