Students in Mr. Jones' class have a habit of calling anything with negative gay. Mr. Jones has requested the students find an alternative word but they continue to use it. How can he convince students to not use this word in negative contexts only?
This is a good idea to educate students about the kind of language they are using and the differences that students have.
Yes i think if you tell them and they still continue disciple in necessary.
I think that this is the best possible solution. Often, people say things because they do not know what it means. I think that if the students are educated as to what the word means, they will be less likely to use it in a negative connotation. I think stating that consequences will be given if it is continued to be used in the classroom is a great idea.
I like this solution. The students need a lesson on integrity.
I agree. They need to be taught what the word means and how it can affect other people when you use it in a negative way.
I like how you would force the students to put themselves in another persons shoes.
make sure that they understand that negatively using that word should not be accepted anywhere, including home. Don't let them think that it is not bad outside of school.
I agree. Making sure they understand how it would make them feel if it was turned back around on them is important.
I like your idea of replacing the word with actual words that describe how they might feel.
I agree that replacing the word is a great idea.
I like your idea of making sure it is not used in a negative way.
I don't think a call home is necessary. They need to be taught about how it effects people and what it means.
I do not necessarily agree with this solution. Many times, students say things because they do not know what it means. I think as a teacher I would use this as an opportunity to educate my students about the LGBT community. Simply calling home will not do anything if the student does not understand what they are saying is wrong.
I agree with giving them warnings, but I don't think a call home is necessary. They probably don't even know what the word means.
I don't think eliminating the use of the word is necessary They just need to know how they are using the word wrong and how it might make others feel.
I don't know if this is the right solution. They probably do know what it means already, they just don't care that it's offensive. That's where correction needs to be made.
I don't think they know what it means because they are already using it in the wrong context.
I don't know if this is the right solution. It could work, but I think it would take up a lot of unnecessary time.
I like the idea of allowing them to understand the effects of negative words when they are in that situation, but I think a whole lesson wit skits is a bit unnecessary.