For Money or Passion for Teaching and Learning?

"Compared to other industry professionals, teachers are not compensated as their academic degree and certifications would imply." Why do you want to teach in our school? What reasons should I hire you over a recent college education major? This was a question posed to a candidate during a panel interview by my principal. The candidate was a career changer. Was this a fair question to ask of someone who has gone through the process of becoming highly qualified to teach?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Hey gegede, Ye, I feel the question posted is a fair question. As a new administrator, I have realized that some teachers and schools do not possess the same teaching philosophy. This does not mean the teacher is not a good, or highly qualified teacher, but that the teacher and school may not be the perfect 'fit' for each other.

I agree. This is the best solution. These questions are appropriate.

Solution #2
I definitely agree this is a fair question. We hear about all the teachers become "burnt out" quickly and lack of passion will definitely do that to a person. If teaching isn't in your heart, you don't love your students and seeing the spark in their eye when they finally master a task you are in the wrong profession. It's not about the money, but the minds and hearts we impact everyday. The students are the reason we go to work everyday and love what we do.
Solution #3
I think this is a fair question. There are more and more candidates as more people are becoming teachers. I would be looking for someone who is compassionate for teaching.
Solution #4
I feel like if they are passionate about what they do and have the correct degree and certifications, then yes. There is competition out there whether we like it or not. It is good to make sure you are applying where you want to work!

Good to know

Solution #5
I think the relationship between salary and teachers is an ongoing struggle. I always run into family members, friends, old colleagues, and when I tell them that I am an Education Major, the response has never changed, "you want to be a teacher, with what they get paid?" And I always come back with things, but honestly they are right. It would take about 3 years my ENTIRE salary to pay off my student loans, where as there are other majors that lead jobs with salaries much larger that I could pay off student loans much easier and quicker. But a lot of other jobs do not have passionate people employed. I want to be a teacher because I love children, I care for their education, and I want to be a part of their success in the future. P.S. Summers OFF! (lol)
Solution #6
I believe that this is a fair question to ask during an interview. The purpose of the interview is to weed out who really wants to be there and for what reasons.
Solution #7
I think that it is fair questions because teaching is a difficult profession. You need to be physically and emotionally prepared to face some difficult challenges in the classroom. I often hear people make comments such as: being a teacher is so easy, teachers get too much vacation. The truth is that it is a demanding job. Some people change majors from other jobs thinking that teaching will be easier. The administrators have the right to question the candidate who is interviewing for a job.
Solution #8
I believe that if you want someone of a certain quality you have the right to ask them this question.
Solution #9
While I do not necessarily care for the way the question was phrased, asking a person why they are qualified and why they want the job are valid questions no matter what the field is.
Solution #10
I believe that this is a fair question to ask during an interview. The purpose of the interview is to weed out who really wants to be there and for what reasons. I would have responded that there is no career that is more rewarding out here than being a teacher.
Solution #11
Use that question to your advantage. Explain how your last career can benefit you in the field of education and teaching. Teaching is unique. Be confident with your experiences and what you can bring to the table.
Solution #12
I like and agree with the first question asked about why you should be hired at this school, this is a common question and they want to see why you chose their school over all the other ones. However and the why should I hire you over someone else is a mean spirited question I feel. You have to defend yourself against other peoples responses that you do not know.
Solution #13
I believe it is a fair question because the character of a person is a very important aspect in all fields. Most individuals are asked this to see if the person is truly passionate because money is not everything and will not assist with hardships in this field.
Solution #14
I feel the question is a good question. There are many people who enter into the education field and do not have a passion or joy for teaching. They simply like the easy life or having power over people. This is a question that I feel should be asked more often in job interviews.
Solution #15
I think the question is fair because looks to find what motivates the person to teach. A persons motivation is an important thing to consider. If someone just wants to teach to be around kids and play with kids, then teaching might not be the perfect fit since sometimes you will have to be the bad guy.
Solution #16
The question is appropriate. As its great the degree was obtained, interviewers want to acknowledge more outside of this.