Parents Who Are Friends With Your Colleagues

There is this particular parent who is friends with another teacher on the hall. A select number of students are chosen from each team to participate in POWER (Girls' STEM Program). The parent sends an email expressing her desire for her child to be a part of the program because her cousin is a part of the program. The teachers on the team assure the parent that the maximum number of students have been selected and the child cannot participate. The teacher down the hall gets an extra form and gives it to the student without talking to any teachers on the team. How would you handle the situation?

Solution #1
Top Solution
The team should talk with the teacher about her actions. I am sure she thinks she is not doing any harm, but it is important to follow the rules and expectations without making exceptions. Once an exception is made, it will be remembered and brought up again.

yes i agree with this solution

Solution #2
As teachers, we have to ensure that we remain erhical and fair for the sake of our students. They look for consistency from their teachers, and when that is altered they feel inferior. For this particular case, I would personally talk to the teacher one on one and explain the severity of being fair and consistent towards the students, and encourage her to not display such favoritism again.
Solution #3
I would express my concerns with that teacher and explain to them the policy that pertain to that program.
Solution #4
I would talk to my colleague and tell her that it is not fair that she did that without discussing it with the other teachers.
Solution #5
All students need a fair chance at different programs. The team should get together and discuss fairness in the selection process
Solution #6
First I would address the parent saying there was a miscommunication and the all of the STEM positions are unavailable and that you're sorry for the inconvenience.
Solution #7
I would kindly tell the other teacher to mind their own business and ask before doing something. I would talk to the teacher about the actions and how it put the teacher in a difficult position and to consult before adding someone to a group that they don’t manage.
Solution #8
I would explain to the parent that a mistake was made and as previously stated, the program is at capacity. I would offer the parent to place their student on a waiting list and allow the student into the program if another student drops out for any reason. I would also encourage the parent to reach out to the parent of the relative in the program to have information shared that would be beneficial to her child, even if they are unable to be in the program at this time.

I would never do this! This is wrong! This can really cause harm to the student emotionally and psychologically. The other teachers definitely need to talk to the one who gave the letter out to ensure this never happens again.