Inappropriate Comments from a Parent

At the school I teach at there is a parent that is consistently walking their student all the way to the classroom and shares very unwarranted, unwanted and inappropriate comments with a few female teachers in the building. They are all choosing to just ignore him/hide from him when they see him walking down the hall. What would you recommend I do about the situation?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would definitely report this to administration and ask that they not allow him to walk down the hall. That would ensure that you are covered in the event that a situation occurs. That is a form of harassment. The administration should be concerned about the well-being of their teachers and willing to handle the situation immediately.

Yes, definitely seek support from administration.

This kind of situation is not one you should handle yourself. Seek help from administration.

If I were in this situation, this is what I would do.

Solution #2
This is definitely something that needs to be handled by your administration. It needs to be reported so that they are made aware of it. I would also suggest having it in writing via e-mail so if the administration does not deal with the problem and a situation occurs, you can later say that they new of the problem and did not do anything because you have the e-mail to prove that they were informed.
Solution #3
I would definitely have to bring this to the attention of my principal and ensure that I would not allow the safety of my students to be compromised by him. He may need to only be in the office if he cannot maintain himself without being inappropriate.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Solution #4
I would recommend that the people who are feeling uncomfortable need to report it to administration immediately. While they have felt it best to ignore and hide, that has not helped solve the problem and has made the whole situation even more uncomfortable. The person may not realize that what they are doing is causing a problem. While it may be obvious to everyone else involved, he may be oblivious. Administration can talk to him and let him know how they have decided to handle the situation. That may mean he is given a warning to stop so that he has a chance to modify his behavior. I feel that he should be allowed to walk his child to class as that helps children feel secure and safe transitioning from home to school.
Solution #5
Do not take matters into your own hands. Report this parent to administration and talk to some of the teachers that are experiencing this behavior to gather their feelings and come forth about them.
Solution #6
At one of the schools I teach parents are to be off campus or in the front office after the first bell rings. Parents are not to walk their children to class, any parent regardless of rude harassing comments is to not be on campus after first bell. You will not even have to address the parent's inappropriate behavior if your school implements this rule. If a parent wishes to aid their students class they must register as volunteer with the school board. Parents and community members may also sign in as visitors and must provide ID and purpose. In either case permission of the classroom teacher must be given. Administration should always be notified in issues involving parents.
Solution #7
First of all I would say that if you are hearing this and are this uncomfortable with it then it is harming your work environment as well. On that note, I would report the parent to the office and have them go from there with it. Any parent should not be talking to any staff member in an inappropriate way and or making staff feel uncomfortable.
Solution #8
Alerting administration and having them present would be a great step in the right direction.
Solution #9
Bringing this to the attention of administration would be best in this case.
Solution #10
The teachers need to report this, especially since they are as you say hiding from this parent. From your description, the parent does not seem to be very approachable, so I would definitely report it.
Solution #11
That is harassment. Talk to administration and try to get them to address the situation!!!!
Solution #12
Tell the parent this type of behavior is unacceptable by anyone in the school. If the problem seems to persist, I would make administration aware of what is going on and letting them handle it accordingly.
Solution #13
Ignoring the man will just continue to enable him, administration needs to be contacted and he needs to be confronted about his situation and how inappropriate it is. Don't be aggressive, but communicate your concerns to him with other teachers and staff present.
Solution #14
I would start by reporting it to the administration or the campus police officer. If no action is taken by them, then maybe you could try meeting the student at the front door of the school and offering to walk the student in yourself. This would only work if you had another teacher in your classroom to monitor the other students, though.
Solution #15
This is super uncool. I would definitely go straight to administration to let them know what is happening. It is not okay for the female teachers to not feel comfortable in their workplace. If the father cannot keep his comments to himself, then he doesn't need to be walking down the hall or maybe he'd like to walk with the resource officer to talk about why he thinks harassment is okay.
Solution #16
Absolutely report this to administration! This parent should have contact with administration for this inappropriate behavior.
Solution #17
I would definitely go and say something to the teacher. It is definitely something that should not be acceptable in a school environment especially since there are children present. I would definitely make sure to tell administration.
Solution #18
I would have administration be there when the parent walks in. He will know the game is over
Solution #19
It is important to keep in mind that we are working towards having a safe and caring community for all of our students in our school. Reporting the situation to administration is key to uphold that goal.
Solution #20
Not matter which route you choose to take, inform administration of the situation. Depending on the color of the comments, it may be appropriate to directly address the parent in private. Before talking to the parent plan your conversation and get feedback from colleagues. If you do not believe that you can politely ask the parent to stop or the conversation has no affect, ask administration to take action.
Solution #21
I would respectfully explain that children are around and this is a work place. If that doesn't work I would get together with another teacher and see the administration.
Solution #22
I would definitely go to the school principal or even the school resource officer (SRO). If teachers are feeling uncomfortable with him and feel as though they should hide from him, obviously he is a danger. Tell the principal and SRO what the other teachers have said and if you have seen anything. If the other teachers would go in and talk to the SRO, that would be awesome!
Solution #23
This should be taken up with the principle immediately.
Solution #24
I would submit a formal complaint and try to get it so that he may only walk his kid to the front of the school. If the comments are inappropriate, and especially if they are in front of young children, he could get in serious trouble.
Solution #25
Notify the administration immediately. Hopefully they will speak to the parent, and if it continues not allow him to walk the child to class. By reporting this to administration, you are covering yourself.
Solution #26
Tell an administrator, such as the principal about this parent.
Solution #27
Definitely include your principal do not approach him by yourself.
Solution #28
I would approach the parent and kindly tell him that some of their comments made to other teachers, especially female, are not appropriate for the school environment. If this does not work and the parent continues to make inappropriate comments then I would report him to administration. Since, it doesn't seem that this is a parent of one of your students then I would try not to get too involved. Another possible solution could be you talking as well as the teacher that teaches the parent's child.

I would never do this! This is wrong!