The math pacing is seven units long. The last unit is called "show what you know" and does not require a pre or post assessment. The remaining 6 units do require the assessments. The present pacing of the math units and standards follow the rigorous trend but the standards clearly gives an end of the year expectation mastery deadline. Yet in the district teachers are forced to rush the students through multiple skills in six weeks then assess for mastery. The students are feeling the affects of the pacing as well. Performance in general is low. There is also very little time within the pacing to reteach and/ or recover other assessments.
This is a great solution! This definitely gives opportunity to learn from someone who is not the teacher, but it can also build on other skills like social and communication! And if there is still help needed, a student can always be offered after school help announced to the class.
Thank you for this solution, it is very helpful! I can imagine it is overwhelming for both teachers and students during moments like this.
I agree with this solution