1.Respect. Respect is a two way street. It is not something that automatically comes with the title of teacher. If you want your students to respect you, treat them with respect.
2.Build a relationship with your students. Helping your students to help themselves starts with building a positive relationship with them. Show an interest in them and their lives. Get to know them and let them get to know you. Remember that your relationship may be the only positive one that your student has with an adult authority figure or anyone else for that matter.
3.Be the same person everyday. Be firm. Be fair. Be consistent. Most of these students are used to adults that are erratic, unfair, and capricious. You may be the only safe and predictable person in their lives.
4.Don't take things personally. Your students will swear, yell at, and insult you. This is more about them than it is about you.
5.Don't yell. Rarely raise your voice. Yelling makes you seem like a small, powerless person. Don't argue. Explain the consequences of your students' negative actions, then move on. Arguing with a student is like jumping into a black hole. It is to be avoided at all costs.
6.The carrot usually works better than the stick, but it's good to keep the stick around just in case.
7.Choose your battles wisely. Let the little things go and stay firm on the big ones.
8.Think before you speak. Despite all evidence to the contrary, your students are listening and your words are more important to them than you probably realize. Be careful with your words.
9.Be kind. This may be the only kindness your student receives all day.
10.A little humor can diffuse a bad situation. Laugh at your mistakes and encourage your students to do the same.
11.Try to find the good in each of your students. This will be harder in some than in others. Even those who seem to be lacking in even the most basic of human emotions deserve to be treated with compassion and respect.
12.'"Parent-Parents."' Form a relationship with the families and caregivers of the students. Teaching students is a shared job.
13.Never give up. Tomorrow could be the day that you get through to someone. If you only help one person in your teaching career, you have changed the world.