Case Solved
Time vs. Assessment

With the Georgia Standards of Excellence for 6th grade Mathematics, there is an extensive curriculum map that outlines the standards and projected time frame it should take teachers to teach the content and assess the students for mastery. The average time frame that is provided for each unit that is to be taught is approximately four weeks. There are some units that average more than eight standards that are to be taught in a four week period. Do you think teachers have enough time to effectively teach content and students master it prior to them being assessed at the end of the school term on state standardized tests?

Solution #1
Top Solution
No, I don't think that this is enough time. A possible solution to this would be to integrate the math into another subject. For example, the teacher could teach the math curriculum while using word problems that coincide with what students are learning in science.

If I were in this situation, I would do this.

I agree!

Thanks for sharing, this is a good idea. I think it could be a helpful solution.

Solution #2
As a student and future teacher, I do not think that there is enough time to teach so many standards. I suggest to include some of the standards and/or unite it to another lesson. This way students will have more time to process what is being taught and to practice it before being assessed.

I agree that this is the best solution available.

I agree with this solution! Combing lessons and utilizing the time you have will be beneficial!

I agree!!

Solution #3
No. Unfortunately, that is not enough time at all, especially when you have students with already existing gaps in their math knowledge. Be sure to use math intervention time to address those gaps.

I agree

Solution #4
No I do not think there is enough time to teach every standard. I think teachers should try and spread the content out to effectively try and cover most standards so students can master the content.
Solution #5
No I don't think teachers are given enough time. I would suggest that you have take home assignments to enforce the knowledge. I would have a lot of activities that you can implement to ensure they retain the information being learned as well.

a great solution. The quickest way to get help.

Solution #6
Hi apePev, Unfortunately, I have to agree with the majority that there is not enough time to properly address these standards. In my opinion, lack of time is one of the biggest issues that teachers face. I think that trying to integrate the concepts from this curriculum across other content areas is a great suggestion - it just may take up more of your planning time. Also, I would rely on homework for this math curriculum. I know the dynamics at home can sometimes keep students from completing their homework, but that seems a necessity in your situation. Remember that, although the goal is for students to master the content they will be tested on, it is also important for students to have exposure to what they will be tested on - even if they don't master that content. At the end of the day, it is your job to make sure they at least have had this exposure to these important concepts. Melissa
Solution #7
I agree that there is not as much time as needed to help students really master the material. Using online programs to help enforce some of the smaller standards could help with allowing more class time to allocate to the larger concepts though.

Using online programs also allows for students to work on these concepts at home as well.

Solution #8
As I am a grad student and not yet a teacher, I can't say I have the best solution for this problem. I did however learn a lot from other people's solutions about integrating math into another lesson based on standards
Solution #9
No, I do not think that is enough time for a unit. As a suggestion, I would say to try and combine as many standards as possible together. Use scientific readings in a read aloud, incorporate math in writing, try your hardest to think about more than one subject at a time.
Solution #10
Eight math standards covered in four weeks is not sufficient time for student mastery. Math taught in classes today is more in depth, and we are asking students to start learning more complicated math at an earlier grade. I believe the expectation set by Georgia Standards of Excellence is not attainable and should be reviewed from the perspective of a teacher or a struggling math student.
Solution #11
Time management is one of the most critical things a professional must acquire to be efficient at their jobs. It may not be enough time, but it is what is being asked so taking the time to write this post could have been used to plan instruction.
Solution #12
No, I don't think that this is enough time. A possible solution to this would be to integrate the math into another subject. For example, the teacher could teach the math curriculum while using word problems that coincide with what students are learning in science.
Solution #13
I think teachers need more time for concepts students don't understand. They are struggling students, so it is important to make sure they fully understand, with more time.
Solution #14
I would say that it depends on the standards and how well they integrate together. For example, if one standard is based on a 4/5th-grade level, and ends touching on a 7th, I could see teaching them as it is mostly review for the students and then instruction towards the next level. This type of style I can imagine being helpful for teachers. It would also not be as time-consuming if you know your students already are meeting some of the standards so they can be allocated less time. However, if the standards are all at the 6th-grade level and are loosely related, I can not see it being beneficial for students as it would be impractical to teach them that quickly. As I said, it all depends on how tightly or loosely each standard is related/built off each other.
Solution #15
In the case of whether I feel like teachers have enough time to teach I definitely do not think that we give them enough time to teach. It is extremely difficult for teachers to try and teach everything that we need to teach because we still have other subjects that we need to each and there definitely is not enough time in the day for us or even for our students and also for us to make sure they are understanding the information we are trying to teach.
Solution #16
There is never enough time and this creates the problem of teaching to the test. Try not to fall into that trap. Do what you can do.
Solution #17
I don't believe that there is enough time. I feel standardized tests don't help students learn what they need.
Solution #18
Maybe having some online material for students to use or have interactive games at bring home and play with someone
Solution #19
Maybe sending home more homework so they students can review their work or study material to prepare them more

I don't think that sending more homework home with kids is a good idea. There is already a lot of stress on students to learn what they need to for tests and teachers face a tough time as it is, trying to get students to do the homework that they have now. Students can't teach themselves and homework requires them to work on it by themselves a lot of the time.

Solution #20
No, there is not enough time for teachers to teach all these standards, actually teach their students, and ensure that their students are learning and enjoying themselves in the classroom. Teachers simply do not have the time to achieve all of this.
Solution #21
I another possible solution is to allow students to use a interactive website or blog for them to participate on.