Case Solved
My Child Isn't Gifted, but I Want Them to Be

In the school district that I work in, I have experienced for two years teaching students who have been labeled gifted/advanced and their work performance not matching the title. It has been said that some of the parents in the county either pay people who are in charge of scheduling, or either they just give them the favor of placing their children in the advanced classes. However, the children who are really not advanced, struggle academically being that I teach the advanced classes on a higher and faster rate than the regular classes. How do you think this issue could be resolved for the overall academic success of the students?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Review the scores of the child with the parents and make an administrator aware. Keeping documentation and having clear communication will show that the child is not succeeding in the higher level classes. They may not leave your class this year, but it is possible that they will not be accepted into gifted classes the next year.

This is a good method and should be implemented in the classroom.

fantastic method

Solution #2
Document student performance and build a case that shows parents having the wrong labeling is having an adverse effect on the student.

Portfolios show the progress best. great idea.

Solution #3
Conference with the parent. Show them the scores of their student to show why you think the way you do.
Solution #4
My local school district seems to have remedied this situation effectively. A child needs a referral from the teacher to guidance. The guidance counselor will conduct a pre-assessment in which students who do not score well on will not be referred for further evaluation. If the student does pass the pre-assessment they are then given a larger assessment and then placed based on those results. I don't believe with this system can a parent's opinion or wants come in to play.
Solution #5
Keep the students work and grades in a portfolio. Have a meeting with the administrator and the parents and let them know about the situation at hand. You do not want to wait for this situation to get worse.

I agree. it should not get worse.

Solution #6
If you honestly think it has to do with intellect, can you request a student to be retested? It may be that the way a lesson is being taught is not effective for that style of learner and may require you to change or adjust your learning style.