A Very Disliked Teacher

I have a teacher at my school that is from Afghanistan. He has a very strong accent, has never taught in a classroom before and sometimes seems insulted by women giving him advice. There are several students that give him a hard time because they have a strong military background in their family.Two of my students have lost family members in the war overseas. The parents do like him and the students do not like him. He does not have a a warm and welcoming personality and he is very strict. This is his first year teaching and it is going disastrous. I do not like what I over hear the students saying about him. Administration has not stepped in to assist on either side because I think they are nervous about his reaction. If you were a fellow teacher, would you try to discuss this with the teacher or just let the situation play itself out.

Solution #1
Top Solution
In this situation, I would be very friendly with the teacher and would let him know that you are there for him as a resource. Once you have built some rapport with him it will be easier to give him advice - plus, the advice would probably be better received. It is really important for teachers to connect with their students. I would make sure he realizes how important this is and would let him know what you do in your classroom to get to know your students. Ask him if he is open to accepting some help. If he is then it may be a good idea for you to seek help from admin. It is a good sign that the parents like him; however, since the students don't like him he needs to change his teaching approach. Also, if the students are making inappropriate or rude comments about this teacher you should address their behavior just as you would address students in a bullying situation. Their negative attitudes towards him will only hinder him from establishing relationships with his students.

I love this response. Definitely making him not feel alone is everything. It would be very lonely and frustrating to be in his position

I like this solution. Students need to know their behavior is basically bullying.

Love this response. Students need to know that this is not okay

Love this response as well!

Solution #2
Top Solution
If this was a colleague of mine, I would definitely try to help him out. The first thing I would suggest to him is to let the students and their parents learn more about him and see him as a person. This can be done during a class activity where everyone shares their background (where they grew up, etc.), who makes up their family, what they like to do as a hobby or in their spare time, favorite place they lived, etc. It is much tougher to dislike someone, once you get to know them and share commonalities.
Solution #3
I would personally try and get to know him. In this case, it may be helpful to model by example. Even if he appears grumpy or uninterested, I would do my best to be friendly and welcoming towards him. As for the students, if you overhear them speaking nasty things about them I feel that it is your right as a teacher to ask them to stop.
Solution #4
If I were another teacher I think I would help him out. He does not realize that he is coming off too harsh or mean. I would simply ask him how things are going and see if his reaction is positive or negative. I find it i important to let him know about the statements being said about him and the classroom.

This is also a great way to go about it.

Solution #5
If I were his co-worker, I would try to talk to him but first asking how his classes are evolving. Maybe he will open to suggestions, or maybe not; I am pretty sure that trying to ease his first year as teacher would not hurt anyone.
Solution #6
I would attempt to discuss the situation with him in the lightest manner possible.
Solution #7
I would definitely try to help him out. We live in a world where everyone is critical over little things when we are just all human. We can't change how other perceive us but we can react in good ways. I would provide him support and let him know that I am here to help him out if needed. Also let him know that we all have a common goal of bettering our students and if he wants acceptance he should also accept others. Like when woman try to give him advice for example.
Solution #8
I would offer my help in lessons. Give him some advice in making the classroom, lessons, and work more welcoming and enjoyable to students and parents. If he still does not respond to this then it would be in the hands of admin.
Solution #9
If he asked for my advice I would definitely give it to him. I would give him solutions to some of the issues at hand. I think that if administration is not doing anything there must not be that much of an issue. I remember that there were some teachers that I did not like all that much but I had to find a way to get along with them.
Solution #10
I would come in and discuss with the teacher that you are here as support. Maybe find students you have in common, and strike up conversation that way. Ask him about his country, how this school year is going, etc. I guess schmooze him!! I would then just continue to find common ground. Ask him if there are any concerns he has, etc. People like to talk about themselves. I am sure he is very intimidated by the culture, as well as trying to establish his role with students. He is a first year teacher, and gaining control is going to be his biggest battle. In the middle east, men control everything. If he is used to being in control, but lacks the control here... how do you think that feels? He is probably struggling, but too ashamed to admit it as it isn't in his culture to do so.
Solution #11
Since the situation is ongoing, in school and in the United States, I would try to address the issue with administration first. Administration will have a much better handle on situations such as these.
Solution #12
Try and get to know the guy and understand where he is coming from.let the students know that they don't have to like him, but they must respect him as a person and to stop talking behind his back.
Solution #13
I think that it would be important to have a conversation with the students about diversity and tolerance. The students need to understand that only because the professor is from Afghanistan, it does not mean that he is a criminal. It is importan to learn to respect people for their personality and ideologies and not their countries of origin.
Solution #14
I would try to help my teacher friend out in this situation. I would tell him to use me as a resource for help
Solution #15
I would extend my welcome to the teacher and let him know that I support him. I would make sure to be friendly with him in front of students, to show them that he is a good person, as well as my friend. Other than that, I would let the situation play out. If he were to bring it up, I would talk to him about it and offer help however I could.
Solution #16
I would offer the teacher your help and resources if he chooses to accept them. If he has a problem with woman giving advice (as is sometimes common with cultural differences), ask a male teacher to come forward and offer advice as well. This teacher should have more conversations and activities that introduce his culture and perspectives in a sensitive way and let the kids see him for who he is. I do believe that as time goes on this teacher will calm down but in the meantime, it is going to a difficult road!
Solution #17
I think that you should try and talk to this teacher as a friend. The teacher may feel intimidated because he is a new teacher at the school. You may be able to make the teacher feel not alone and may be able to create a friendship with him so that you are in a better position to give him advice and letting him know how the students and the parents are feeling.
Solution #18
This is where Family Involvement Plans need to come in hand. If the parents like the teacher, he needs to keep in contact with the parents to inform them on the situation that the students dislike him because of his cultural background. The students need to be taught that not everyone is a bad person and for him to be great at his job and is taking the time to teach American students
Solution #19
I think you can start in having a relationship or getting to know the teacher, elaborate during lunch and talk about strategies that may be effective in the classroom. Hoping that he will respond if you will do this advice.
Solution #20
I personally do not think it's your place to get involved. The best thing to do is be a helping hand for that teacher but do not insert yourself I to their problem. Also, if you hear the negative comments try to shut them down because if that was you I would be a lot better if I knew that another teacher was trying to combat any negative rumors about myself.
Solution #21
I probably would not get involved because I am not a confrontational person however I would reach out and offer any suggestions or see how his class is going. We have learned so much about diverse cultural backgrounds that pertain to students, but we have to remember that teachers can also be diverse. I would reach out to the administration and let them know what I hear in the halls but also tell them that I have reached out to the teacher to offer any advice or suggestions. As teachers, we are a team that needs to help each other at times.
Solution #22
I would also go to him and offer that you are always there for help or feedback. maybe having a disscussion with the other teachers and encourage them to do the same.
Solution #23
This is interesting
Solution #24
I would talk to him and let him know that there are students who seem to have a strong opinions about him. As a teacher we should give advice but we cannot change a person. I would possibly have administration observe him.

This is likely to just make him nervous or resentful. I don't like this solution.