Teacher Cleavage

There is a teacher at my school that is constantly wearing low cut shirts. She is a fourth grade teacher which is the age when students are starting to notice things like this. The administration has not said anything to her and this has been going on for several years now. The other teachers talk about it, but will not saying anything about it. My son will most likely be in her class next year and I would like to bring it to her attention but I do not know if I should. What would be the appropriate way to bring this up?

Solution #1
Top Solution
If your child is going to be in the teacher's class then I feel that, as a parent of one of her future students, you have the right to address the issue. This is a tricky situation since you have already established a professional relationship with her. I feel that the best course of action would be to talk with her one-on-one. Explain to her that you are not coming to her as a colleague, but as a parent. If you plan what you are going to say, and approach her in a respectful way, I feel that the situation will be okay. If this does not handle the problem, you might want to talk to someone you trust in administration to decide the next course of action.

This is a pretty good possible solution.

Solution #2
Top Solution
This is a situation where you should have an administrator handle it. To many things could be misunderstood which could turn this into a serious problem.
Solution #3
I think the best course of action would be to notify administration of your concerns and make sure they handle it. I think if administration hears it from a parent's point of view they may be more inclined to say something.

I think bringing it up to administration is the best solution. She may get defensive if you bring it up directly to her.

Solution #4
Look up the school's dress code. If your son is in her class, then you have the right to tell her how you feel. If the clothing she is wearing isn't against the dress code, there isn't much you can do. Check the dress code, make a statement, talk to administration. Other than that, help your son to understand to not objectify women.

i like this solution the best.

Solution #5
It is not something for you to bring u to her, I would talk to the administration about it an remind them of the dress code policy that is in place and needs to be reinforced so students are not distracted.
Solution #6
You said that this has been happening for several years now, so that means she is either breaking a dress code and no is enforcing it or that she is not and you believe that your child may be put into an uncomfortable situation. If you belie she is breaking dress code do some research and talk to the administration about in a calm and non destructive manner. If she is not breaking dress code ask to talk to her in private about your concern of your child in her class.
Solution #7
I would speak to the teaher privately and voice your concerns for your son and future studrnts.
Solution #8
This seems like a tricky situation because if it has been going on for years and no one has said anything she probably won't be pleases to have it brought to her attention now. This doesn't mean that it should be ignored though. I would start by talking to an administrator and asking to stay anonymous about bringing it to their attention.
Solution #9
I would suggest that your son and his friends have pointed it out in a conversation that you happened to over hear and you wanted to bring it to her attention so that she was aware that she is making the students uncomfortable.
Solution #10
I feel as no only a parent but a co worker that this can be a very tricky situation as you do not want it to come back on your child. I would adress it with administration first and ask their take on the teachers dress.
Solution #11
This is a tricky situation especially since it is with a co worker. I would causally mention to her that you noticed some of her students inappropriately looking down her shirt and wanted to let her know so she could make sure when she is working with students of that age to cover up a little bit more so that the student doesn't go home and tell his parents. Even though it is a little white lie it opens the door to a conversation and appears that you are looking out for her best interest. If this does not change her attire then i would approach the administration and express your concern about your son being in the class next year and that you feel it is unprofessional.
Solution #12
You have a right as a fellow teacher to nicely confront this teacher about how she is dressing. If she doesn't tone it down, then I would talk to administration.
Solution #13
I feel like this is not an issue that should be handled by a co-worker or even parent. If I was a parent and my son's teacher was dressing inappropriately I would contact the principal and have them discuss this matter with the teacher. The teacher can take this out of context if it comes from a fellow teacher and therefore should come from an authoritative figure in the school.
Solution #14
I would be completely upfront with this teacher. There's no reason to show off cleavage in a classroom and if this teacher wants the attention that she's getting from these young students then there's a problem to bring up with administration. There should be no issue with covering up
Solution #15
It's just cleavage. Your son will be fine.
Solution #16
I can understand why you want this address. The appropriate way to do this would be to go through your school admin. As you are employed together, I don't think you should bring it up directly with the teacher.
Solution #17
I would bring up this concern to the teacher but be as discreet and professional as possible. I wouldn't tell her what to wear because that is ultimately up to the discretion of the teacher herself but i would kindly remind her to just be mindful of her cleavage.
Solution #18
The appropriate way to approach this is to speak with her in private. Voice your concern over how she dresses. If this has no result, contact the administration at the school.

I agree with this approach.

Solution #19
I will tell her as a concerned parent that her clothing is inappropriate and to please cover up a little more.
Solution #20
I would mention something to her. Instead of talking about her like the other teachers, mention dress code to her. If that is he way how you feel, then talk about it. If you wanted to, you could go to administration if nothing is done about it.

I do not think this is the best solution because the teacher may get offended and get defensive and may even turn it around on you. Speaking to administration is best.

Solution #21
Since she is a colleague of yours, I would privately bring up your concern on a day when she is wearing a low cut shirt. I would let her know that right or wrong, people are judged by appearances and it is more appropriate to dress professionally during school hours.