This particular student attends a school where all the students wear uniforms. Well there is a particular student who is in fifth grade and comes to school looking some interesting ways. There have been times where her hair would be so knotty in the back and look so disgusting that the school wouldn't allow her in any plays or performances because of her appearance. She informed us as well as other teachers that her hair looks the way it does because she can't find the hair brush because the house is a mess and because when she does, she can't reach the back of her head. There is also times when she comes to school in uniform skirts that are so short and small that I'm afraid she is going to show other students certain areas that would definitely be inappropriate. This seems to be common with her skirts as well as the dresses that she wears. The school cannot really give her different clothes because technically she is in uniform and they are only allowed to give the children additional clothing when they are out of the dress code. Also there are times when her clothes look like they haven't been washed in weeks and so does the student. I believe that DCF should be called, but my supervisor said that all we can really do is just do a lesson on hygiene. Also the mother works for DCF which seems to make the entire situation slightly more difficult. Should DCF be called and how can this be done when the mother works for DCF.
I agree, talk to the parents, having communication is an important factor.
I completely agree with this solution.