At the school that I am interning at there is a student in one of my classes who takes excessive amounts of time in the bathroom. Sometimes, it will take this student up to 20 minutes to use the bathroom right around the corner, and come back. We are not sure whether or not the student is actually using the bathroom or just saying that he is so he does not have to participate. My CT, her assistant and I are all women, so we are unable to go into the bathroom. What should we do?
I agree with this and this is probably what I would do in the same situation.
I think this solution is the one I would use in the classroom, but for the buddy system I would always pair with the responsible one. And if somehow they both are taking forever, you could always call for a male janitor, administrator, or teacher, to handle the situation so you don't have to leave your class.
I agree and this is what I would do if I were in this situation. maybe the student has something going on that you are unaware of.
I would first find out if the student has any underlying medical issues that could be causing long bathroom breaks. I would start escorting him to bathroom, so he knows you are waiting outside. This should discourage long bathroom breaks if not necessary
Waiting outside of the restroom might be helpful but it could deter from class time, so this might not be the most effective strategy.
I would probably not do this only because then students would lose class time if we are starting to walk the halls. Instead of this we could send a student to the restroom to check on the student.