What is your biggest weakness?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Make your biggest weakness seem like a positive one! The interviewer does not want to hire a teacher with a lot weaknesses. It is important to embrace your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. You can say that a weakness is being too hard on yourself when something that you have planned does not go the way that you have expected. As a teacher, some things during the day may not go as planned, but it is important to reflect and do it differently next time.

I agree with this solution. Everyone has weaknesses, it is a part of being human, but turning those weaknesses into a positive is making the best of this situation.

I agree with this solution. Great post.

Great post!

This is a great way to go about it. Most weaknesses can be turned into positive outcomes.

Solution #2
Hello Zafer, I would say that being honest is key to answering this question. I would also take it a step further, instead of just stating what your weaknesses are talk about how you overcome them. For instance, when I was asked this question the following was my response: I believe that I can improve in the area of time management. I find that I allow class discussions to run too long. There are topics in which the students are very interested in and want to spend time talking about. However, there are many subjects and activities that must occur throughout the day. The way that I have worked on this issue is by saying to a student "Ok, you are going to give us the last point in the discussion, everyone else keep your thoughts in your mind for when we return to this topic." I think it is best to show that despite your weaknesses, you are aware of them and working to combat them as well.
Solution #3
Weaknesses should reflect those affecting the individual and NOT the classroom. As an interviewing administrator, I almost always eliminate those who identify weaknesses, despite the encouraged honesty. An example of this is, "I involve myself so much in the school community I rarely have time for my own family." or, "I am so transparent that I find myself with a lack of a personal life."

I really like this solution. This is the way I always approach these questions.

This exactly what I just felt. Anyone who answers honestly is punished by losing a chance at a job. Posters like this person here should never be allowed to interview anyone, because in valuing lies over truth, they have no personal ethics.

Solution #4
I would say that my biggest weakness is caring too much. It is honest and positive. I would explain how I am very hopeful to reach all students on personal and academic levels.
Solution #5
I would be honest when responding to this question. My biggest weakness is my lack of organization. I would however stress that it is something that I am continuing to work on every day!
Solution #6
If I were asked this question, I would be sure to share the exact measures I am taking to change that weakness into a strength. We all have shortcoming and difficulties, what matters is how we handle them and what we do with them.
Solution #7
I would list my weakness but then say how I want to improve it and how that school will help me turn my weakness into a strength.
Solution #8
I think that it is important to be honest. No one is perfect. State your weakness but provide a throrough explanation of how you will address your weakness.
Solution #9
Weaknesses present opportunities for growth; to avoid major concern from an interviewer, I'd try to focus on weaknesses that tend to have a more positive note, i.e. perfectionist, "feeler" (takes others emotions on). If not controlled and kept at bay, these weaknesses can grow into bigger issues, however if you can control them they're actually two strong. qualities

Great comment!!

Solution #10
I personally think that anyone who asks this question is looking for some dirt on you. Therefore they do not trust you, and no matter what you say, they will start to hold it against you in the future if the weakness you admit manifests itself too much in the real world. I am reminded of the joke where an interviewee tells an interviewer that their biggest weakness is honesty. The interviewer says "I don't think that is a problem." and the interviewee responds, "I don't give a fXXX what you think." Personally I would tell the interviewer that rather than talk about negative aspects of ourselves, let us try to accept our problems and emphasize our positive attributes. It may be an ideological dodge, but it is better than falling onto a punji stick.

I am not sure that I agree with the "looking for dirt" part. I think that they are simply trying to get an idea of who you would be as an employee in a short amount of time.