How would you include cooperative learning in your classroom?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
Cooperative learning is a great strategy to use in the classroom. For this learning strategy to work successfully in the classroom, you must get to know your students and identify what type of learners they are. You must identify what kind if activities will benefit them academically and socially. If there is an activity that you know the students will struggle with because of the content and rich material, it may be best to teach directly to the class and help out individuals. However, if you come across a lesson in which the students will be able to interact and work cooperatively, seize the opportunity and observe the interactions.
Solution #2
I would stress the importance and positive influence cooperative learning has on students both academically and socially as well. It is imperative that students learn to work cooperatively with one another as once they enter the work world, they will be required to work cooperatively with co- workers as well.
Solution #3
This is something that I would say that I would not use in everyday lessons. It is important for students to learn to work with each other and how to delegate tasks amoungst themselves, but it is also important that the students learn to work by themselves. This is something that I would stress to the interview, to show that I am here for my students. That they need to learn both skills to be able to work in a school environment.