Assuming you have adequate equipment, how would students be allowed to use technology in your classroom?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
I would respond to this question by saying that students would be allowed to use computers and the SMART Board. Computers would be used to practice math and reading skills during independent time or in centers. The SMART Board would be used in centers or during lessons as a way to get students actively engaged and hands-on with their learning.
Solution #2
I would like to implement technology on all levels including: independent work, group work, and as a whole group.
Solution #3
I would respond by mentioning the use of the SMART BOARD or Promethean Board in daily instruction. You might mention creating your own interactive flip charts and the use of educational apps. Also, mention the use of help websites and programs that can either be accessed on Ipads, laptops, and classroom room computers. For example, students may create an electronic timeline/graphic organizer or publish a recipe book for a performance task covering fractions. Assessment is also a big thing in education. I would talk about the use of computer-based testing and data collection. You might mention the use of clickers for formative assessments. You might also speak on your use of technology for communication and classroom management. For example, using REMIND 101 for mass messages to parents, students, and staff. You might also list Class Dojo as a technological resource for tracking student behavior.
Solution #4
I would let them know that I would love to incorporate technology into my classroom as much as I could because as life goes on they will need to know how to use different kinds of technology. I would let them know that when I use different types of technology as centers. I would also work it into different lesson plans.
Solution #5
Students would be allowed to use technological devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops to complete progress monitoring activities such as USATestPrep and Canvas Instructure assignments. As a means to complete directed research, using student provided technology alleviates the use of school computers. While not all students have devices, they are expected to share them as they complete work individually or work in partners.