How would you create and promote a safe atmosphere in your classroom?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
Avoid: Making claims that students with disabilities are of little concern, or that student safety is not a key belief. Stress: That safety is a key to a successful classroom and that I take great strides to keep all my students safe. Response: I want my students to be able to get up and move around, as well as participate in activities without the concerns of getting hurt. I want to be sure to keep everyone safe and keep learning enjoyable.
Solution #2
I usually have my classroom organized in a way in which students can get up and work collaboratively with their peers. With this being said, I try to make my classroom as safe as possible. I also think creating a safe atmosphere relates to the connections you make with each of your students. I try to "community build" all year long to make safe and on going relationships with my students. A teacher once told me that the students will only learn if they respect you. I try to implement this approach in my own classroom.
Solution #3
You could stress how you would take the time to build your classroom atmosphere by making sure the students are first and the environment should reflect you and your expectations.
Solution #4
The answer to this question lies within an old Andrew Carnegie quote: "People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care." The key to creating a safe environment, or positive learning environment, is establishing a rapport with students and making emotional connections with each one. Set yourself apart, by supporting your stance by referencing credible sources promoting this philosophy.
Solution #5
I would introduce the students to each other in the classroom by playing a game. I would include myself in the game. In my philosophy on the wall, it mentions the classroom environment and how important it is to add to it and not take away from it by being positive. I will not hesitate to speak to the parents and the principal concerning any student that does not abide by the rules. I greet my students daily. I do not allow them to leave my classroom unless it is an emergency. I feel that I am responsible for their well-being while they are with me. They are to be watched at all times.