I have a student who is repeatedly using bad language in class. I have written home notes-no response-taken away points and isolated him from other students. I have tried talking to him privately when this happens, but he continues. How can I handle this problem in my classroom?
I agree with this suggestion. Offering some type of positive reinforcement could motivate the student.
I agree with this solution for the situation. When the parents are not responding and the student is not responding to attempts to correct the behavior, it is time to get the administration involved. This student cannot be allowed to disrupt the class, and now it is time to bring in support.
I think this an important point brought up, to teach the student that he may be hurting his classmate's feelings and try to level with him on his actions all while still maintaining authority as the teacher.
This solution is a great intervention that can lead to the student coming out with the real issues they are facing. Showing compassion and understanding instead of punishment and shame can really help the student understand and be understood. This can also result in respect for his teacher classmates and himself.
And the next step would be giving some kind of consequence to the student.
Think is an interesting approach but instead of another teacher, use school personnel that the child seems to like whether its the P.E. teacher or lunchroom supervisor.