What does "teamwork" mean to you? Give an example.

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
Teamwork means that teachers work collaboratively to best meet the needs of the students. It does not mean that you rely on other people to do your work for you, or that you are not capable of independently managing your classroom. Teamwork is required in order for a school staff to function like a well oiled machine. When a staff has the backing of the administration, and the positive support of their co-workers, the school is a much more positive and effective environment. As will all interview questions, I believe it is more appropriate to focus on the positives and talk about specific samples of teamwork. I can think of plenty of non-examples that I have seen, but it would not be appropriate or beneficial to rip apart other teachers in an interview.
Solution #2
In an interview, I would avoid treating this question trivial. I would define teamwork. Then discuss the advantage and disadvantage in teamwork. Teamwork is working as a team. Most sports teams have members that play certain positions. If the members do not play their positions right, it normally reflects badly on the team. This can result in the team not winning the game or advancing further. In other words, the teachers, principal, and many other members in the school system are like the players on the sports team. We all have our designated roles to play in order to advance in the school system and achieve what is needed. In the word "teamwork" work is a part of that compound word. It will take work to stay together as a team and work as a team. Players practice for their game. They study the plays that they decide on. They run the plays. We as members of school system have to do the same thing.
Solution #3
One thing that I would make sure to stress is that being a team player means thinking of others before yourself. I would also be sure to mention that being a team player involves the act of sacrificing one's own praise and successes so the entire team receives the praise and recognition as every one contributes in some way to the "team".
Solution #4
Teamwork is essential, especially in education. Each grade level should have a cohesive team unit that leans on one another and provides support for students and lessons. If a team member has an activity or approach to a lesson that has proven to be successful, they should share that approach with their teachers. It may be the difference in a student understanding the lesson or not. Also, when a team is a cohesive unit, the entire grade level and school can benefit. Teachers need a village and being a part of a team is essential in taking on an active role in that village.
Solution #5
I would say that it is essential for teachers and students to work together. Working together benefits everyone if everyone puts in the effort but most importantly it benefits students. Having different perspectives can increase the growth of learning. Team work really does make the dream work.
Solution #6
I think that with questions like these it is important that you give out a very thoughtful and meaningful response. The quality of your answer is more important than the content, though it is important to put your best foot forward when comprising an answer! Personally, I believe that teamwork is a collaborative effort in which is mutually beneficial to all parties involved.
Solution #7
I would never state that I am a team player, it I will say that I can bring different views to the table. I would demonstrate with various examples I have from my experiences in the classroom.