If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?
What would be somethings to avoid saying in a situation like this? Telling the parent--it is what it is, live with it?
Definitely avoid comments like this. When dealing with parents, you want to seem concerned, yet firm in your procedures. Instead of focusing on the problem, I find it's always beneficial to shift the focus on finding and working towards the solution.
I agree with the solution. I never would have thought about having another teacher regrade the assignment. Great idea!
I think this is a good solution. I also have never thought of having another teacher grade the assignment. Also, having a rubric is definitely important, as you said, because it gives the parent exact details on how the assignment was graded.
That is such a great idea to have another teacher grade the paper. I feel like that immediately shows that you have confidence in the way you graded it and that your rubric is accurate. Any parent should feel better about that, even if their child got a bad grade.
Firm, but compassionate