Do you think homework is beneficial? Why or why not?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think homework is extremely beneficial as long as the teacher makes it relevant to the subjects they are learning and to every day life. Homework promotes time management and confidence since it gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. It also gives the teacher the opportunity to make sure that the students are grasping the concepts that you are trying to teach them. I do not agree with "busy-work" however and I think that explaining to the students what goals you are attempting to accomplish through the use of homework helps to motivate students to actually complete homework assignments. Lastly, homework gives students the opportunity to review learned materials and prepare for the next day's lesson.

I agree that homework is beneficial to the student. Homework is a great way to asses if your students truly understand the material before moving ahead. As you said, I don't agree with busy work. If homework is given it should be purposeful.

I agree that the homework should always be relevant to the subject material and it is important to let the interviewer know that you would utilize it to benefit the students' learning.

Teachers that give students "busy-work" are definitely not doing their job.

I completely agree. Busy work is not beneficial, but work that reinforces what was taught in class can be very useful for the student to learn the material. I also agree that it is very important for students to learn time management. Even in college I know that I probably do not manage my time wisely and I think that this should be taught how to through appropriate homework assignments.

I agree, homework is beneficial and it is helpful for students and the teacher. They can see where the students are at and make sure that they are learning and retaining what is being taught in the classroom.

Solution #2
Homework is often not a student's favorite part of school. However, it is important to explain to the student how important homework is. Not only is it a great way to assess students, but it also allows the parents to get involved with the academic work done in the class. Make homework fun and rewarding for students and it won't be homework; it'll be homeFUN!
Solution #3
Make sure to stress that you always want to give the students time in class or at the end of the day to complete homework together or individually, while going around the room to answer any questions. I think they could finish the assignment at home, but also give a few minutes to review it and answer questions again the next day. Giving grades for assignments taken home would be a difficult subject. So much of this could vary depending on the task and the actual students themselves. The more you get to know them, you can figure out what can be expected of them.
Solution #4
If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question? In an interview, I would avoid treating this question trivial. Homework is an extension assignment in which a student receives more practice on a lesson taught during the day. The reinforcement is needed in order to assist the child to go beyond recall and on to Bloom's level 3 or Bloom's level 4 type knowledge. If the student views the material more than one time in a day, the student is less likely to forget the information. The student can relate more to what is to be mastered. The student can build knowledge especially if the homework is over something that connects to a future lesson.
Solution #5
Homework is only beneficial if it is not just "busy-work." Students should actually be benefiting from the homework. Giving students a homework of 5 math problems that are all types of math problems they have been learning about, rather than 100 math problems repeating the same steps to prove they know it is not beneficial.
Solution #6
This was a great question. I is one that I have never thought about. I will give this much thought before I go in my first interview.
Solution #7
I think the topic of homework has progressed and changed over the years. I think now I see and agree with homework being more of a "if you do not finish this in class, its homework" This is not a punishment but an allowance of more time and a depending on the student they may need the extra encouragement to participate in class and on the other hand the student who enjoys the home environment to complete work they can. With this being said some students have a hectic home life and getting hw done at home was impossible. If a particular student would like extra practice problems to take home the teacher can have extras available for that week. Otherwise students are in school for 7 or more hours each day they need to be young and have other experiences with family, friends or work outside of school or hw.
Solution #8
Homework is beneficial because this gives students the opportunity to review the material they were taught in a different way.
Solution #9
Homework is a proven method for a student to gain and improve such acquired skills that was demonstrated in class. Homework gives students responsibility, because theoretically it's "theirs" not the parents nor the teachers. When students assume responsibility for their work and complete an assignment, it is only then that they learn to be accountable for their actions. Another benefit students will gain can be time management. It is likely students will complete their assignments or projects on time when they are organized. Turning the project in on time has it advantages because points are not deducted and your child won't suffer consequences. completing homework in a timely manner will help your child develop trust and self-confidence. The inspiration to work harder on the next project occurs when kids feel good about their accomplishments. All these tasks are imperative to learn while in school as it can be key factors that will be utilized in the real world as a college student, professional, etc.

I think homework shouldn't create too much pressure,they already feel the pressure when it comes to testing.

Solution #10
I believe homework os beneficial but only in small amounts for each subject. Like 10 for writing, 20 reading, ect. There are reports stating that less homework is better, but it also depends on the employer.
Solution #11
Make sure to stress that you always want to give the students time in class or at the end of the day to complete homework together or individually, while going around the room to answer any questions. I think they could finish the assignment at home, but also give a few minutes to review it and answer questions again the next day. Giving grades for assignments taken home would be a difficult subject. So much of this could vary depending on the task and the actual students themselves. The more you get to know them, you can figure out what can be expected of them.