What makes you an effective teacher?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
I would talk about my ability to differentiate instruction for different types of learners and a variety of cognitive abilities. I would also discuss the positive aspects of classroom management, and touch on the strong points of the plans that I have for my classroom. I would definitely stay away from talking about specific behavior issues, and would not try to offer specific solutions or punishments. It would not be a good idea to talk about the negative aspects of behavior management, but focus more on the things that you plan to do to avoid unwanted situations.
Solution #2
It is important to know that being effective means that you see results from what you are teaching. In order to be effective, it is up to you to self-reflect. Without reflecting, you will not be able to achieve desired results and grow as a teacher. As an effective teacher, you must incorporate different teaching methods in the classroom. In order to see positive results, it is also helpful to reach out to other teachers and sources to be an effective teacher.

I agree with this response

Solution #3
I would respond by saying my dedication and passion. I would also let them know that I am prepared and timely. Another thing you could say is that you have a superb capability to make real world connections for your students.
Solution #4
The big three I'd say would make an effective teacher is dedication, adaptability, and self-reflection. You need to be dedicated to working so much to help children, and that daily social interaction and the time-consuming process of creating lesson plans and grading homework is a mental drain. Having dedication can help you pull through all that. Adaptability is good because children respond differently to various types of projects, lectures, and directions. Being adaptive enough to employ various teaching strategies will help you cover all your bases. Adaptive teachers may also be good at handling ESE and ESOL students, which require patience and accommodation that not all people have. Self-reflection is also a big plus to employers because self-reflective teachers will know what they're doing wrong and what needs to be fixed. Since administration doesn't constantly monitor every teacher in the school to see how effective they are, teachers need to be able to self-correct in place of a constant moderator to tell them what's wrong.
Solution #5
Differentiation, classroom management, student accountability, student progress tracking, these are all things that I think make an effective teacher. It is important to be able to manage you class as well as have students learn to accountable for their own learning.
Solution #6
As mentioned previously, I would talk about the positives and not the negatives. I would also advocate for yourself how you geninally care for your students and through that you hope that each student may reach his or her optimal abilities.