What professional development topics interest you?

If you are asked this question in a job interview for a teaching position: What are some things you should avoid when responding to this question? What might be some important points to stress that would get the interviewer's attention? How would you respond to this question?

Solution #1
I would try to avoid the "world peace" cookie-cutter answer and be honest with the principal. However, I would also be aware of the place I am interviewing. If it is a very low-income area with no resources, the push for a lot of technology during the interview might not be the best idea. Asking for second language instruction is a wonderful idea if you are in a diverse idea, but, if you are in a homogenous, all white area, it might not be the most efficient way to spend professional development time. I am in a school with a 67% Latino population, so I would love WIDA instruction of Spanish help.
Solution #2
I would stress that learning a second language will not only be useful for everyday life, but especially useful in handling new ELL students of the chosen language. This may not be the traditional professional development, but it will increase success.

Given recent statistical data, it's predicted that today's "minority" will surpass today's "majority" in the not so distant future. It's also evident that more and more ESE students are entering and participating in the general classroom. These are two growth areas that all teachers should be prepared to learn more about, and by showing them that you're aware of the trends surrounding them shows them you're informed on your field, outside of the classroom, on a bigger level.

Solution #3
In order to fully and accurately answer this question the interviewer must be aware of what professional learning opportunities are available. In northeast Georgia, Pioneer RESA conducts the majority of professional learning units available to teachers and vary greatly. It is important to stress professional development opportunities you have already completed and have a predetermined list of topics that you would benefit from. Additionally, teachers can separate themselves if they are able to interweave how the topics they are interested in will positively impact their current teaching practices through specific examples. Statistical research has shown that establishing emotional connections to learned content leads to an increase in depth of knowledge of the content.
Solution #4
I think avoid over sharing but yet still letting them "see" your personality. I also think that you should be a polished version of yourself, your best self for the interview. Show them that although hectic days may happen in class from time to time, the person who showed up to this interview is prepared for anything and stress that you don't know it all but your willing to learn and are bringing all your education and experiences with you.