Instigating student

I have a student who likes to instigate arguments with other students. He will bully other students, but then when the students retaliate he gets very upset and plays the victim. I'm not sure how to handle this situation because he doesn't seem to realize that he is bringing on the bullying.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think it is important to open the line of communication with the student in the classroom. Have small lessons about bullying and use role playing examples. The student will not feel singled out and can learn strategies to being a good friend and community member.

I would do this if I was in this situation. Students seem to respond really well to role play and this can help them understand.

Solution #2
I recently observed a classroom in which the teacher implemented peer mediations. This is when a peer (trained, of course) oversaw two students who needed to talk out an issue they were having. This allowed the students to discuss their issues in a safe environment, without feeling pressure from the teacher. This can also give your bully insight to his behavior, if he is indeed unaware of his instigation.

I don't think I would do this only because it can be hard to have a child be in that role. It is a lot of responsibility.

Solution #3
Having different activities that pertain to bullying would be a good idea. Maybe during Social Studies you can go over admirable traits in a person. Students can act out a situation and the class evaluate the situation and state how they think it cold be handled differently. Maybe this will be an eye-opener for the student who is bullying.
Solution #4
You said that he might even know that he is doing it. Try something like recording or writing down what happens and ask him about in private. Ask him things like why did it start like this or why did go the way that it, he needs to know what he is doing is upsetting other and in turn upsetting himself. If he truly doesn't know why other are getting upset with him being able to tell him is a good starting point for a conversation.
Solution #5
Make sure to speak to the student individually first. Afterwards if the behavior continues, have a meeting the the parents and make sure that they are aware of the situation. Emphasize that this behavior will not be tolerated and that if continues the school's administration will be contacted.
Solution #6
I have expereinced a student like. I found emtional regulation and illtelligence play a huge role when any one interacts with another person. For this student I would begin by trying to help them understand what it is they are feeling and why, and work from the bttom up.
Solution #7
A good way to begin going about this process would be to talk to the student and make them aware of their behaviors, based on what you have observed. Talking to the guidance counselor at your school would also be good because they are full of information that can help you create a lesson about bullying and how to be nice to others. You could also have the guidance counselor come in and talk to the class about this situation. It isn't great that this student is instigating the problem, but if the students are responding in a negative way, that isn't good either.
Solution #8
I have had one student that followed this line of thought. I am not sure what grade level you teach, but does this student excel at any subject? If so, maybe let him know, and then allow him to buddy with a student that needs help. By giving him responsibility, he might adjust his treatment of others.