While volunteering in a special needs school, I have witnessed a teacher who has done things against the Code of Ethics. She has a student who has frequent outbursts that can get out of hand. When it becomes too much for the school to handle, they call the grandfather to come pick the student up. While I was there, the student had an episode and the teacher instructed me to egg the student on to escalate the behavior. She said she wanted her to still be acting up when her grandfather arrived so he could see what they were dealing with (she is normally calmed down by the time he gets there to pick her up). Obviously I knew this was very wrong but I didn't know what to do. I was just a volunteer, and here a veteran teacher is telling me something that I know is wrong. I wanted to report it to an administrator but I didn't feel it was my place because I was just a volunteer. Should I have reported this???
This is great advice!