
I am in a classroom with 2 teachers because there are too many students. One teacher is the main teacher and one is the co-teacher. The student do not listen well to the co-teacher. If I were in a similar situation, what would be the best way to get students to listen to the co-teacher or me if I was the co-teacher?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think at the beginning of the school year it would be important to introduce both of you as the teacher and establish each of you as an authority figure in the classroom. You want to make sure that the students know that both of you should be respected in the same way.

i agree. students should know both of the teachers are authority figures.

Solution #2
I like the idea of establishing both teachers as an authority figure, but the students will not respect you unless you are an integral part of the class. You should be a part of the daily lessons. You should be responsible for enforcing class rules as much as the general ed teacher.
Solution #3
I agree that authority should be established on the first day, but sometimes this is just not possible. Suppose you started the school year without co-teacher and now you have one, then the rules have already been set. It is important to introduce the co-teacher as a teacher and explain that she is to be given the same respect as you. Make sure she is included in lesson planning and is an active member of the classroom, so the students see her as a teacher and not just another person in the classroom.

This is a great solution to the problem, especially because you do not always have a co-teacher at the beginning of the year.

Solution #4
On the first day work with your co-teacher to set up your classroom rules. Make sure the students understand that you are both the teacher if one says no then you both mean no.
Solution #5
In other for you to avoid this as a future teacher, this must be addressed at the beginning of the year. The two teachers should work together to show they class that they are both the teachers of the class, both set the rules and set the consequences.
Solution #6
The teacher needs to have a discussion with the class that they have 2 teachers and both teachers hold the same amount of authority. (Really, all adults should be treated with the same amount of respect withing the school environment). The co-teacher has the same power to administer consequence as the teacher does, and the co-teacher should act upon this until the students respect him/her.
Solution #7
You need to get the co teacher to assert his or herself as an authority in the classroom. When one of the kids acts up, let the coteacher assign the punishment so the students know that they are serious.
Solution #8
I am not sure if this is possible in your situation but can you teach a lesson or a mini lesson as the general education teacher? If the students see you leading a lesson maybe they will learn that you are equal to their teacher and learn to respect you. Just a thought.
Solution #9
It is important for the class to view both of the teachers as "the teacher". They should not be referred to as the main teacher and the co-teacher. Simply adding the word co-teacher to her/his title provides the students with a feeling that they are less of a teacher, therefore they do not need to listen to them.
Solution #10
Both teachers need to state on the first day of class, that they are both teachers of the class and both deserve the same respect since the class is large and is in need of more than one teacher to be present.
Solution #11
I would hope the main teacher could step up and help the co-teacher gain confidence in her skills and also support the co-teacher when students don't listen as well. Hopefully as the students get to know the co-teacher, they become more respectful.
Solution #12
I would start by having a conversation with the main teacher and discuss ways to better demonstrate the respect needed for both teachers.
Solution #13
A solid foundation with rules and procedures need to be set in stone on the first day of school. Once the students figure out that they can do whatever they want then they will do whatever they want. Best thing to do is to set firm rules now and do your best.