Bad Influence

There is a student who is constantly telling the other students scary stories or stuff is going to happen to them. Always really negative stuff and I have talked to him many times. I have noticed that one of my more positive student is hanging around the negative student and is starting to act negative. I don't want the problems students negativity and bad attitude to rub off on my other students. How should I handle this?

Solution #1
Top Solution
You should pull the student aside and talk to them to determine where these ideas are coming from and why they wish to share them. Be sure to inform them that this talk is not appropriate, and set up a consequences system. If this does not work, work side-by-side with the behavior specialist and contact the parents so the two of you can express your concern and find further insight into the problem, so parents can help enforce that it is inappropriate as well.

I agree talking to the students is a good idea.

i agree with pulling the students aside to talk to them

Solution #2
I would speak to the school guidance counselor and see if they can assist the child in talking to them. Another possibility would be to contact the parent and ask them if this is normal behavior for the child, if so they should speak to their child and make it known that he can't act that way in school around peers.
Solution #3
I would request a conference with both students parents. I would discuss the situation and ask for help with reinforcing the positive things the students could talk about. With the parents involved they can help the positive student stay positive and up beat, and hopefully have a positive impact on the negative student.
Solution #4
If the inappropriate talk and negative behavior continues after being warned by speaking to the student individually, then involve the parents. Inform them of their childs behavior because home could have an influence. Discuss with the school guidance counselor how to redirect the students negativity. Maintaining a positive classroom environment is important in circumstances like this. I also think it would be a good idea to talk to the positive student that is being affected and let them know that they should not let others influence them in a negative way.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Solution #5
I think it would be a good idea to talk to the positive student that is being affected and let them know that they should not let others influence them in a negative way.

this is a good idea.

Solution #6
I would use positive reinforcement to incentivize the student to rethink their behavior.
Solution #7
I would stop the story telling when I catch it, then I would speak to the student on on one and ask why they are telling these type of things and how can you help them become more positive
Solution #8
This type of behavior should not be tolerated as it is completely unacceptable for a student to be putting horrible things in other children heads. it is good you have had a discussion with the student directly. However, if you feel as though this student is a potential threat to another positive student I think talking to this student and encouraging them to hang out with other people. However, you don't want to cause conflict with the other student spreading these harmful stories. Another option could be getting in contact with the parents of both of these students and expressing their concerns.
Solution #9
I think talking to the negative child's parents ASAP to try and get a feel on what his home life may be. Then maybe follow through with him talking to a counselor or something.
Solution #10
I would reach out to the parents to see if they are getting some of this negative information from a source at home. If the parents do not know where it is coming from I would try to find the root of the issue and see if it can be toned down in any way. I would also speak to the student one on one again so they understand entirely that their behavior isn't acceptable in your classroom. I would try to bring it up to all of the students as well that any sort of discussion about these negative topics isn't allowed so it does not get any further encouragement.
Solution #11
If it becomes out of hand, I think it is a good idea to think about involving both sets of parents.
Solution #12
Talk to the good student about being a leader and not a follower.

This is wrong! I would never do this!