Out of Code

I have a female student who comes to class out of dress code. My school does not enforce the code. She is either wearing half shirts with spaghetti straps, or shorts with her rear showing. I have discussed with her that some other students look up to her and that she should show them proper attire for a young lady. This does not work at all. How do I help her change her ways?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Sounds like you need to have a conversation with the administration, as well as the student. Additionally, it is important for the student to understand the difference in dressing to come to work (school) and dressing to go out with friends on the weekend. More often than not, kids at that age are not concerned about what younger kids think / idolize, but if you can point out the negative consequences it can have on her own life, you may be able to make a difference.

I would definitely do this exact thing if I were in this situation.

I agree with this solution.

i agree with talking to administration about the situation and discussing with the student proper dress attire for school.

I agree with this solution, administrative help would benefit.

Solution #2
Talking to her parents would be the first thing that I did. If it is starting to effect other students then it is needed to talk to the parents, and see if they can provide her clothes that are appropriate to school code.
Solution #3
I would contact the parent, if the school is not enforcing the rules and the child isn't being disciplined at school then possibly reaching out to the parents may help. I believe you need to speak to administration about enforcing the rules of dress code.
Solution #4
I think an appropriate first step would be to contact the parents. It is common for students to leave home dressed one way, and come to school to change into another outfit. If this is the case, then the parents need to be aware. Enforce some rules and consequences in your classroom pertaining to school dress code. The school has a written dress code policy, so pay close attention to that. If the school is not enforcing the code, administration should be contacted.
Solution #5
talk to her about what she wants to do with her life. tell her if it is a professional career, that she needs to start changing the way she dresses otherwise she won't get hired. it's a reality that students need to understand
Solution #6
This student needs to be held accountable for her actions. I would cover the policy with her and let her know that your expectation is that the policy should be followed in your class. If you level set her and let her know she will be held accountable for the dress code she might take responsibility and come to school dressed appropriately.
Solution #7
If the school has a dress code, and just doesn't enforce it, you can. Stick to your guns on it. Talk to your administration. Talk to the parents. If the administration doesn't want to do anything, tread carefully. You don't want a sexual harassment lawsuit. Talk to the parents. Hopefully they will be reasonable. If you get no where, you might just have to deal with it.
Solution #8
I would bring the issue up to the administration's attention. The administration should look at the dress code, I know often times students are sent home for breaking dress code.
Solution #9
Maybe this student can not afford new clothes. I think the school should give her a bag of school appropriate clothes to see if she changes the way she dresses for school.
Solution #10
If the dress code is not enforced, I would approach administration about the problem. Then you will have some backing when you enforce it to this student. If she continues to dress out of the dress code, then supply her clothing within dresscode she needs to wear. Speak with the parents also.
Solution #11
The teacher needs to let the student know that administration will be involved if this continues. Enforce the rules if students break them. The student may also need to get a letter sent home to notify parents.
Solution #12
I would talk to administration voicing that we should correctly enforce the dress code. Students will continue to dress out of dress code if it is not being enforced and no consequences are give. I would let the student know that they are out of dress code and either need to put on a jacket or go down to the office and change into something else. If the problem still occurs I would enforce the consequences for being out of dress code from the student code of conduct or the schools policy and contact the parents at home.
Solution #13
I think that you need to have a conversation with the administration, as well as the student.
Solution #14
I would probably let the student know what the dress code prefers students to wear and that her choice of attire is not up to those standards. She may fight back and say how this school does not care about the dress code. I would then see if an administrator would want to do something about her choice of attire while at school.
Solution #15
Maybe explaining to her how she is beautiful and she doesn't have to show skin to get recognized, she may be insecure and feels like she needs to dress a certain way to get attention