Lunch time

I have a student who comes to class without a lunch 2/5 days a week. Stating he either forgot his lunch or his parents forgot to give him money. What should I do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This is a very trick and sad case because no child should be without food and maybe the parent just does not have the money to give the child food in hopes that he will get food for free at school The first thing I will do is look up all the resources the school system offers to low income families. Growing up in a family of 8 I applied for reduces/free lunch and received it all school year long. Once I have the resources prepared I will talk to the parent about the issue of there child not having lunch 2/5 days a week in the most respectful tone. I will inform them about the reduce/free lunch and if they are interested in it the form will be in the child's take home work and all they have to do it fill it out and return the next day.

I agree with this solution.

i agree with looking up what resources the school has to offer.

I agree with this solution

Yes this is a great solution! And now a days a lot of schools have free lunch for students so it is even better now!

Solution #2
Have a conference with the student first to find out why he's not eating, exactly. Is he really forgetting? Does he even care that he doesn't have a lunch? Is maybe he doing this on purpose because he doesn't want to eat? All very important questions. If this is not the case, look to administration for guidance on how to help the student be better prepared for lunch. Does he qualify for free/reduced lunches? Is there a way to make sure his lunch is paid for ahead of time so he doesn't have to worry about forgetting money? Also, you may want to try to set something up with the parents to ensure his food is either delivered if forgotten or pre-paid for.
Solution #3
I would contact the parents to see what is going on. If possible, keep snacks in your room so the student has something to eat.
Solution #4
I would first consult with the student and try and understand the real reason behind why he has not brought in lunches. If the student does not feel comfortable talking, I would do the research myself. Find out what you can do as a teacher to help the student receive the free or reduced lunch and breakfast at your school. Maybe write a note to the parents explaining the free breakfast and lunch program.

If I were in this situation, I would do exactly this. The parents definitely need to be informed about the situation.

Solution #5
First I would call the parents or write a letter home and ask the parents to explain the situation. If they need help, I would refer them to the caseworker so they could apply for lunch assistance. I would also have extra snacks in my classroom for this purpose because I know sometimes kids will forget and they will get hungry. I would also make sure that he is not being bullied for his lunch money by keeping a watch out for him.
Solution #6
I would first try and email the parents about the given situation. I may offer to send home a free and reduced lunch form if the parents said they are having trouble. I may even offer the student some of my money to buy lunch or offer some of the snacks I may keep in my room.
Solution #7
Some schools offer a free lunch. I would speak with his parents about filling out this form. If they do not return it , Our school will still offer a free choice. I also think that I would discuss him/ her packing there own lunch as a possibility. Depending on the situation at home this could be an option.
Solution #8
Speak with the cafeteria staff about getting the student a lunch. There are free options for students across the nation.
Solution #9
If there is a way the student can get a free lunch provided by the school then the parents and student never have to remember a lunch.
Solution #10
I agree with looking into the free/reduced lunch. Try keepings nut free snacks in the class as well.
Solution #11
I would definitely get them a school lunch but I would also let admin know what has been going on. I would call the parents to see if they would like for the student to have free or reduced lunches.
Solution #12
I would keep snacks in the room just incase. Talk to the parents and see if you can arrange something. If they don't have money, you could try to help get free lunch services for the student.
Solution #13
So often times, children who say this just don't want to admit that they don't have food at their house to bring to school or their parents didn't pack them one. As a teacher, I would never let a student not eat lunch. I think the best thing to do would be buy them a lunch, then contact their parents and inform them that if they cannot provide a lunch, that there are accommodations that can be made with the school.
Solution #14
Since this is a problem that seems to happen a lot calling his parents to see if he is telling the truth would be a good thing. If it is maybe the school can work with his parents to maybe put money in his lunch account or giving him a free lunch.
Solution #15
I would talk to the school about getting him on free/reduced lunch. That way he has no excuse not to eat during lunch time. His lunch is free and all he has to do is show up in the lunch line.
Solution #16
I'm sure the child is hungry, I would maybe keep some snacks in the room that you can give to this child during lunch so he or she is not left without a lunch. Also, I would get with the parents to see what is going and maybe let the parents know the child is "forgetting" his or her lunch money but is hungry. Something should be able to get worked out for this child.
Solution #17
Document this each time. Find alternatives from the school by either providing the student with money, lunch, or school lunch. After a few occasions, show your documentation to an administrator. This is ultimately child neglect, and should not be taken lightly.
Solution #18
First , I would make sure the child is eating. There are school lunches and the community is aware that shaming a child for not having resources for any reason is unacceptable. I would let the parents know via verbal and written communication that the student has been utilizing the lunch program. Give the parent info on who to speak to regarding lunch arrangements.
Solution #19
If i were in this situation I would send home a free and reduced lunch form. I may even offer the student some of the snacks I may keep in my room.

I agree with this solution

Solution #20
See if the student is able to qualify for free/reduced lunch at the school so even if he forgets his lunch, he will still be able to eat in the cafeteria and not have to go hungry for majority of the day.
Solution #21
I would keep snacks in the classroom to give to the student and if this becomes more of an issue, contact the parent.
Solution #22
This is so tricky because it is impossible to teach a hungry students. I would try contacting the parents. First start with an agenda letter to the parents. If that does not work I would for sure and call home for an explanation.
Solution #23
I would contact the parents to see what is going on. Maybe you can set up a checklist for the student to do before leaving his house in the morning to help him remember his lunch.
Solution #24
Contact the parents and try to find a solution together.
Solution #25
something you can do is send notes home to the parents and ask them if they need help. and if they do have some services the family can have to get the help they need.
Solution #26
The first thing I would do would be to talk to the student and ask why he doesn't have a lunch everyday and if there was anything I could do to help.