The mother of one of the students in your third grade class left twenty-minute messages on his voice mail every day. Listening to them consumed your entire free period. She would also show up at your school unexpectedly. You would walk into your classroom and find her waiting to speak with you. What actions would you take in order to prevent this happening?
I love this solution! After you discuss the issue at hand, you invite her to be an aid. By doing this it will make her feel needed and sometimes that is all the parent needs.
I'd also discuss scheduling meetings/appointments. Parents need to understand that it is inappropriate to show up unannounced and leave ridiculously long voice mails. I would go about this in a calm and professional manner as to not upset the parent or make them feel like I don't have time for them.
This would be the most appropriate way to handle this situation.
This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.
This is a great solution. I think suggesting that the parent volunteer as a classroom aid would be a perfect way for her to be involved.
Talking to the parent about the issue would be ideal.
this is how i would handle the issue
I agree with you!
I like this solution, but I would also document the days, and times that the parent becomes involved and show them proof.
I agree with this solution!
I agree with this solution!
I liked this solution the best out of all of the solutions. I would document everything.
Documentation is a great way to go about this!
I wouldn't tell a parent to not call so much. It might be honest but the parent could find it rude.
This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.
This is not a great solution. The parent deserves for you to discuss your concerns with them. It seems very timid to me if you sent home a letter. Have the conversation, express your concerns and try to include them into the classroom when it would not be a distraction.
I kind of liked this answer. I feel like this letter should of been sent out within the first week of class.
This would be the most appropriate way to handle this situation.