What goes on at home?

I had a student roll up their little half paper homework sheet, and pretend to smoke out of it like they were smoking marijuana. They were telling all of the students who didn't know what that was that their parents do it. I did not want my students going home and telling their parents what was being said in the classroom so I address the parents of the student who started this. They were very aggressive and told me to stay out of their business. What should I do to make sure it doesn't happen again?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Hi aDaWaV, First, I would conference with administration to confirm how the school policies dictate this should be handled. Once this is established, I would conference with the student to let them know why that behavior is not acceptable. Explain that there is zero tolerance for drug related activities at school. Explain that their parents have the choice and freedom to do this if they want, but that is a personal decision that the parents likely will not want the student spreading around. Emphasize that the student will get a consequence if he/she continues to talk about i to others. I don't think you did anything wrong by telling the parents, as that is a very personal piece of information that they probably do not want their child spreading around. I would make sure that the parents understand that they do not need to confirm whether it is true or not as that is their personal business, but that you just wanted to notify them that their child was talking about this in public and spreading this information. Make sure the parents understand that you are not judging them, just informing them. I would conference (phone or in person) with the parents to explain this but I would not hold the conference alone - I would involve another teacher or admin as a witness in case the parents react unfavorably. Melissa

yes i agree with this solution

Solution #2
I would inform administration of what is going on and they you had addressed the parents. I would then address the student and inform them that what they are doing is not appropriate to be doing in the classroom. I would inform the student if they continue there will be consequences.
Solution #3
I would inform administration of this, as many schools have a zero-tolerance drug policy and this conduct may go against it. Convey to the student that continuing to display this behavior will result in serious consequences and that mimicking drug-related humor is inappropriate for school.
Solution #4
I would print the emails, confiscate the rolled up paper, and present this to the school guidance counselor or administration with your concerns. I would explain that this is an issue you could see impacting other students and their families and you won't tolerate this behavior in your classroom. I think asking for outside help and cooperation would be a great first step!
Solution #5
I would inform administration that this occurred and that you contacted the parents. I would also suggest having a conversation with the student that while that may be tolerated at home, that is not a behavior that should be replicated in the classroom. I would not make a big deal about it with the student but would be aware if it was repeated and would suggest getting administration involved in any future instances.
Solution #6
Since it's inappropriate and the parents don't seem to care I would write the student up and have administration take care of it so the student and parents see that it's inappropriate to discuss that around their peers.
Solution #7
I would express to the student that his actions were inappropriate, and reach out to my superior if it continues.
Solution #8
I would reach out to administration and explain the situation, and tell them you have already contacted the parents but it did not resolve the issue. Administration can take over, and I would pull the student aside and provide reasoning for why the behavior is wrong and discuss consenquences.
Solution #9
You just need to tell the student that it is not appropriate school behavior.
Solution #10
I would tell the parents if the child does it again that they're child would be reprehended for his action
Solution #11
You could bring it up to administration, you can talk to other teachers around you that have been teaching longer and may have been in situations like this. Get their input on it. If anything send a note to the parents again and bring it up to administration about how the parents were rude about the situation and didn't seem to care about the other students. There is also the solution of sending home a letter to other parents about what is happening in the classroom, so they are aware of what is happening and you are doing your best to resolve the matter.