Case Solved
Just a signature

I require every student to get a parent signature in their agenda for their homework. One students parents refuse to sign it because they believe that if their child doesn't do their homework, that is their fault. She always does her homework, but loses points because of not having a signature. What should I do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
First off I will not take points off the student if there work is done. I will only take off points if the student H.W is not done.

I agree!

yes i agree with this solution. That is unfair to take points away for their parents part of the homework.

Solution #2
Top Solution
I would inform the parent that you require all students to get their agenda signed. I would also inform the parent that their child is very good at doing their homework but because the parent isn't singing their child is loosing points. If the parent doesn't seem to show any concern for this and the student continues to do their part I would quit taking off points due to the parents lack of concern.

Showing/telling the parent proof of their child's homework completion is key. Good job!

Solution #3
I think I would inform the parent that you prefer the parent to sign off on the agenda just to show that the parent was aware the child had homework. I went to a school where this had to be done on all homework assignments. If the child still completes their homework but the parent isn't signing off maybe slowly stop enforcing this rule.

I agree that this is a good solution! The parents should not take away their student's points like this, but being that they do not care about whether or not their student does the work it is a good idea to just have them be aware of the homework, if it gets done or not is not their concern at that point.

If students are completing their work, their parents shouldn't cost them the points.

Solution #4
If the parents have told you specifically that they will not sign the paper, it isn't right to deduct the student's points, especially if she is doing the work. Maybe rethink your assignment of requiring a signature. Maybe just deduct points from students if they don't have a signature if their work isn't done.
Solution #5
I would talk to the parents and explain that they main reason for the signature is to make sure the parents are keeping up with their child's education. The homework is the child's responsibility so the parents will not be in trouble for it. Taking points off is not a good idea for the students if they have homework completed.
Solution #6
Unfortunately you cannot force a parent to be involved with their child's education and the only thing you can do as the teacher to keep reinforcing expectations for the classroom and to invite them be active participants. However, kudos to the student who is self motivated to continue to get her work done with no support at home i would definitely reward her for the motivation i would not however deduct points off her agenda because the parents refuse to sign it. As teachers we need to be aware that sometimes parents will not or cannot help their child and we should not penalize students for something they can not control. I would make an exception for this student and continue to try to include the parents.
Solution #7
I would not reprimand the student for their parent not cooperating. As log as the student does their work I would not harp on it.
Solution #8
If the student is getting their homework done they shouldn't be punished.. Taking points from them because of their parents issues isn't fair for the student that is doing what they are supposed to and could make the student stop doing their homework because either way they are being punished for it.
Solution #9
I would try and explain the rules of the classroom to the parent and also explain them to the student. If the parent still does not seem to change I think that you should stop taking points off of the students homework grade as long as the students homework is done.
Solution #10
I would not take the points off for this students work because her homework is complete. It is the parents fault that they refuse to sign their childs completed work. This should not go against the student!
Solution #11
If you know the student is doing their work and the parent is the problem I would not punish th student and take off points. I would let the parents know that you are so proud of their child who always does her homework and just keep reminding them how important it is to check and initial the communication folder.
Solution #12
First, stop taking points away from the student because you know it is the parent's fault for not wanting to sign. Second I would, as the teacher, sign that students planner. Every morning I would have the student show me her homework and that it is completed, and if it was I would sign for the parent and if not that is when I would take points from the student.
Solution #13
You should not collect points for parent signatures. If child is completing homework, then not having a signature should not take points away.
Solution #14
I would not take points way if the homework is done. Remember sometimes kids insist their parents to sign papers and they forget. You can't penalize the kid for something is not her fault, especially if she is doing her homework. I would email parents at the end of the week to remind them to sign kindly the agenda. If the kid misses an assignment that wasn't signed, then contact them immediately.
Solution #15
The student shouldn't be losing points because of something the parent doesn't want to do.
Solution #16
I would look at it from a realistic standpoint. The student did their homework, they should get full points. A parent signature does nothing.
Solution #17
I would explain to the parent that the signature is not a reflection of them as a parent, it's part of the assignment, and that it is an incentive for students to do their homework.
Solution #18
Taking away points from this child would be incredibly frustrating for them and create a fearful attitude towards school. I would suggest talking further with the parent, but not taking away points no matter what.
Solution #19
I would say that if you can see students' homework complete, then give them credit regardless of parent signature. The student should not face repercussions for parent issues. You could also provide your own signature for the student completing their work.
Solution #20
you should not Jeopardize the students grades.

you should set up a meeting with the parent to talk about how this is effecting the students grade

Solution #21
Take off points if the homework is not done. Have students get their agenda signed on their homework the following day if it is not done to reinforce that homework should be done. Then it is not an every night occurrence to have the parents sign homework. We need to teach students self discipline and that's what parents are doing too.
Solution #22
I would try to compromise with the parent, just tell her its not her fault if the student does not do her homework.
Solution #23
Have a conference with the parent and someone from administration and bring this to their attention that it's important for them to sign the homework.