I have a student who's parents fight over who gets to pick up the child. The child never knows who to go with because they make him feel bad. Who do I let the child go with? And how can I make this stop?
Solution #1
Joined on Feb 2017
295 points
You can talk to both the parents and the student and set days for the parents to pick up the student. Let the parents know that their fighting is affecting the student. You can also have one drop off and one picks up and then they would flip-flop the following day. If this doesn't help the situation, than you can sit down with the student and set out which days he would go with which parent, so the student wouldn't feel bad about having to choose each day.
Solution #2
Joined on Oct 2016
180 points
I would have a talk with both letting them now that there fighting effect there child and makes him uncomfortable because all the other student see whats going on. They need to work as a team and not fight in front of child and in front of the students.
Joined on Jul 2018
100 points
yes i agree with this solution
Solution #3
Joined on Jul 2016
226 points
This sounds like a situation in which you need to involve the school's social worker. If the parents are causing their student this much stress and bad feelings, the school needs to potentially intervene. I would sit down with the social worker and just ask what can be done about the situation. Then, I would set up a parent-teacher conference and discuss the effects this is having on their child as they may not be aware of any negative effects.
Solution #4
Joined on Mar 2017
201 points
I would have a sit down with the parents and try to make a schedule because they are effecting the child's feelings.
Solution #5
Joined on Oct 2017
201 points
I would definitely have a meeting with the both of them. Explain how the inconsistency is affecting the child, not particularly blaming them for arguing, but trying to keep the child's best interest in mind. If they can not agree on set days for whom the child goes home with, I think the best next step would be to contact the school's social worker! I would never blame the child, or make it seem like you are attacking the parents, rather suggest best alternatives and try and make them see that the child comes first.
Solution #6
Joined on Jul 2018
209 points
I would contact the office at that point because the child feels like he is being pulled. Or talk to the parents and have them split days. Work together instead of trying to win.
Solution #7
Joined on Oct 2017
206 points
I would talk to the parents and let them know how the kid is feeling and how their fights are affecting him. They might take your words in consideration.
Another way is planning a pick up schedule that you, the kid, and parents have and follow.
Solution #8
Joined on Oct 2018
202 points
I would talk to both of the parents about how their arguing is affecting the child. I would suggest to the parents to make a schedule for the days of the week and who should the child should go with each day. This way you as a teacher knows and so does the child.
Solution #9
Joined on Feb 2019
101 points
Its sad that the parents are putting the child in this situation. I would talk to the parents and let them know how the child is feeling.
Solution #10
Joined on Feb 2017
205 points
Tell the student to try and make a plan for their parents. Have alternating schedul so everyone is happy
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