During the formal parent teacher interview the parent expresses their concern over the fact that the child has no friends during playtime. They are visually upset and want to know what you are going to do about it. How do you handle this situation?
I will use this in the future for sure!
I like this idea!
Although when i was in school i hated ice breakers it did help me gain the friends i have today. I think adding these in the classroom and more group work would be very beneficial. Also, groups of two so the student can connect with just one person. All it takes is one friend.
I like this solution. Sometimes a shy or nonsocial students just needs a little push out of their comfort zone to make friends. I like the idea of assigning a shadow buddy.
I would use this solution in my classroom.
Great idea!
I love that post! I would assure the parents that we as a class are working together to make friendships. We work in groups and we are doing the best we can in school. However, I would encourage play dates within the classroom. That is one way strong friendships can occur.
I would not approach the situation this way. The parent is addressing current concerns and you are informing them of what you already do which obviously is not helping her child. By asking the parent what they are doing at home to address the issue seems like you are blaming the parent for their childs lack of friends.