Bullies in the room

A parent comes in after school and states that their child is being continually bullied in class. They state that "You wouldn't know because is happens when you back in turned." They state "It is always happening and the child is too scared to come to school."
Work through your course of action to deal with this parent.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would first make it a point to reach out to the student, in private, and let them know that you are available to discuss classroom behavior and instances/interactions with other students that make them feel hurt, uncomfortable, and bullied. It would also be worthwhile to invite the school counselor into your classroom for observation, as well as share a bullying module to ensure your class is aware of what it means, how to deal with it, report it, etc. Also, given the parent made contact with you, the accusations should also be reported to the counselor, who will likely open an investigation and follow through on school procedures.

I think this soultion is perfect. It is very improtant to educate the class on anti bullying and the penalty.

I agree with this solution. Some students are too afraid to come to you first. It is important for the students to know that you are always there for them if they have anything to tell you. This is exactly what I would do.

This is a very thorough solution. It is very helpful.

Solution #2
If a problem like this is prominent and a parent is concerned about their child's safety, it is important to contact higher authority. Not only is it important to see what school resources are available, it is also important to create a safe environment in the classroom. It may be a good idea to do whole group activities so that students get to know each other better and feel safe around each other.
Solution #3
I would talk to the student in private and see what is going on. Then I would remind the student that they can talk to me about anything and I will do anything I can to better the situation. I would keep the parent updated with all that I am doing.
Solution #4
I would take the students down to the administration office and talk to someone about who is doing the bullying and what they are doing. From there I would do my best to make sure I keep an eye out for that behavior.