A mother comes in ranting for the third time this week stating that their child's lunch box. You as the teacher should be looking into this and that they are not going to send their child to school with a lunch box anymore as they can't afford to replace it.
Parent : I am sick of this. This is the third time I have had to look for my child's lunch box. I am not going to replace this one.
Continue this scenario to resolve the issue.
I agree with this solution. The parent was able to address the situation and you provided a possible solution.
This was a genuine and professional response. Looking into the situation shows that you, the teacher, care about solving this problem. Great solution to this case study.
I like this solution and can agree with it.
I do not agree. This just put the blame on the parnet and student for a lunchbox that could be being stolen from school. I would have suggested that the student bring his lunch box to me in the morning and after lunch so I could see where the problem was.
I like this solution, but there is also another reason to why the lunch box may be missing. The student may not be losing it, but someone can be taking it from them. All those ideas that you listed are good solution if the lunch box is being legit lost.