The last year

On the first day of the school year the parent comes in stating that last year their child was constantly in trouble for no reason and that they will be coming in weekly to check up that you are doing your job correctly. They state that they have no hesitation in
taking it further. The parent was quite threatening. How do you handle this situation?

Solution #1
I would begin by stating that it is a new year and that I am a not the same teacher that their child had previously. Given this, there is no reason to check on me because I have not given them a reason to do so. I would politely ask that they allow me the time to get to know their child and trust that I will be able to handle them appropriately.

I like this solution the best. I would do something similar, but I would also document the event.

Solution #2
My solution is to tell the parent that you believe every new year is a fresh start for the student. You remind them that you are not going to make every effort to create a positive learning environment for all of the children in your classroom. Explain to them your behavior management plan and how you will be practicing the first few weeks so that all students are aware of the classroom rules, procedures, and expectations. If the parent still acts threatening I would ask them nicely to remember that you are a professional and have their child's best interest at heart. If they continue to threaten you I would request a meeting with the counselor and the parent. Explain that sometimes it is important to have a third party there to help make sure everyone is working together as a team for the student.
Solution #3
I would try to calm the parent down and explain whatever happened last year in no way reflects what will happen this year. The student is in control of his own actions, and he will only be "in trouble" when he breaks a school or classroom rule. I would be very kind to the parent and tell them that they are always welcome to contact me about concerns regarding their child. If the threats concerned me, I would report the parent to the administration and make sure they know I am worried about my safety.
Solution #4
I would not minimize the parent's concern. I would validate their concern and encourage them to come into the classroom as often as they'd like. I would note how I appreciate parent involvement and feel the student is more likely to succeed when the parent and teacher work as a team. I know I would do the best I could with my class so I would have no problem with this parent.