I have a student who refuses to do math on the computer (fastmath). If I force him to, he breaks down and throws a huge fit. Any advice to get him to do the work that is mandated by the county?
Finding out the problem does always help.
i agree, you should talk to the student and see why they do not want to do that math work. if that does not work have a parent teacher conference or go to an administrator.
I agree. Do some investigative work.
Right. There may be some unknown variable here.
I agree, that having some reward for the student is a great idea. Each day he gets something small and every week he goes without a fighting and having a tantrum about doing the math, than he can get a bigger prize at the end of each week.
I really like this solution!
That's true. Maybe the student doesn't feel motivated.
I don't think that doing the work is the problem if he's throwing this big of a fit every time. Especially if he does all his other work.
It's your job, not the parents.